- Table of Contents
- What you must know to read and understand this book
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: The Purpose of this Book
- Chapter 2: The Dead Sea Scrolls Textual Variant
- Chapter 3: The Dead Sea Scrolls Variant Points to the Old Testament Sacrifices
- Chapter 4: The Second Coming Fulfills the Old Testament Sacrifices
- Chapter 5: The Wicked are a Sacrifice
- Chapter 6: The Meaning of the Sacrifice Symbolism in Isaiah 34
- Chapter 7: Additional Hard Stops for the Duration of Punishment
- Chapter 8: The End of the Wicked is Ashes Outside the City, Not Endless Torment
- Chapter 9: The Wicked of the Sea are No More
- Chapter 10: More "αἰῶνας αἰώνων" Pointers to Ashes, Dead Souls, and Second Coming Judgment
- Chapter 11: Hell is Made Holy and Poetic Justice is Served
- Chapter 12: The Language of Action with Endless Results and Finite Duration
- Chapter 13: Final Interpretation and Checking the Answer in the Back of the Book
- Glossary
- Bibliography
Hell is Made Holy
How the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Revelation show that the wicked and hell cease to exist
By David Aaron Beaty
Visit author’s web site at www.davidaaronbeaty.com
[Numbers 6:24-26 NASB20] 24 The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD cause His face to shine on you, And be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His face to you, And give you peace.'
Israeli archeologist Gabriel Barkay was born into almost impossible circumstances during World War II in the Nazi imposed ghetto in Budapest Hungary. His first memories of hearing the Hebrew language as a child, were of his father placing his hands on his head and pronouncing the priestly benediction from Numbers 6 above over him as a blessing. Many years later in 1979, Barkay was supervisor over an archaeological site at Ketef Hinnom which led to the amazing discovery of two small silver scrolls which are the oldest written biblical scriptures in existence today, dating to the 7th century BC. These scrolls contain the same two verses from Numbers 6 above which Barkay's father used to pronounce over him. This illustrates that even in the most difficult trials of life God is standing over us whispering His love and blessings over us and directing our lives into valuable purpose and meaning under His watchful care. Whatever circumstances you may be in, God is with you working His plan for your good if you desire to follow Him.
The story of Gabriel Barkay's experience with scripture that I've related above is just one example of how God's word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. God's Spirit, His miracles, and His supernatural voice indwell the words of the Bible. With this in mind, I want to encourage you to read this book, not looking only to hear what I have to say, or only to hear what your own thoughts and opinions tell you. Instead I want to invite you to pray to God that he would supernaturally reveal to you truth through the scriptures that I show in this book. If you pray continually as you read this book and look to God to speak to you through the scripture it contains, then you will have taken the best path. This is how we should always approach God and His word, not relying only on our own intellect or the intellect of others, but ultimately relying on the power of God to reveal the truth to us:
[James 1:5 NASB20] 5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
It is my prayer that this will be the path that you will take, and I pray that God will bless you with wisdom, whether you agree with my conclusions in this book or not. May He Bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace.
David Aaron Beaty
Many of the details of Gabriel Barkay's story above are from his own words in his appearance in a Youtube video entitled "The OLDEST copy of Scripture ever found!". The video is available on a Youtube channel entitled "Expedition Bible" which belongs to author and archaeologist Joel P. Kramer. Even more additional very interesting details about the silver scrolls and their discovery are given in the Youtube video for those who are interested.