- Introduction
- Chapter One - Eternal Damnation: What does the Bible Really Teach?
- Chapter Two - Biblical Examples of Everlasting Destruction
- Chapter Three - Further Biblical Support for Everlasting Destruction
- Chapter Four - The Great Lie: What about the Immortal soul?
- Chapter Five - Biblical Analysis of Claimed Support Texts for Eternal Torture
- Chapter Six - Refuting Extra-Biblical Arguments for Eternal Torture and Against Literal Destruction
- Chapter Seven - Extra-Biblical Arguments II: Exploring Judeo-Christian History
- Chapter Eight - Morality & Justice and Other Issues Related to Damnation
- Chapter Nine - The True Literal View on Eternal Damnation
- Chapter Ten - CONCLUSION: Will God Torture People Forever?
- Appendix A: Additional Hebraic Texts on Everlasting Destruction
- Appendix B: The Nature of Human Beings: Spirit, Mind & Body
- Bibliography
Biblically Dispelling the Myth of Eternal Torture
by Dirk Waren
Book web site www.hellhadesafterlife.com/hell
Visit author's web site at www.hellhadesafterlife.com.
The bible teaches that those who reject God’s message of reconciliation and gift of eternal life will be cast into the lake of fire, as in complete incineration which is described as “the second death.” This is eternal damnation with no hope of resurrection. The purpose of this book is to examine the Holy Scriptures to determine the precise nature of this “second death” and show why it is the soul’s destruction and not everlasting torment. Thankfully, many biblically sound, evangelical Christians are now coming to realize this important scriptural truth including John Stott, Clark Pinnock and Dr. David Reagan to name a few.
Let me emphasize beforehand that there’s absolutely no disputing the fact that eternal damnation is a horrifying reality in Christian thought. We should take the bible’s repeated warnings of such seriously, and encourage others to do the same.
I do not attempt to prove the existence of God or the reliability of the Judeo-Christian scriptures; such issues are beyond the scope of this writing.
This study is intended for anyone who has an interest in finding out what the bible plainly and consistently teaches about the nature of hell and related subjects (including a fascinating exploration of human nature in Appendix B). So, whether you’re a devoted Christian, a doubting Christian, an agnostic, an atheist—or simply a fellow human being who disdains all such labeling—I welcome you on this journey of discovery.