- To the Reader
- Chapter One - The Text Opened
- Chapter Two - Earthly-Mindedness Discovered in Nine Particulars
- Chapter Three - Six Evils of Earthly-Mindedness
- Chapter Four - Eight Additional Evils of Earthly-Mindedness
- Chapter Five - Five Things May Be Wrought In A Man, and Yet Earthly-Minded
- Chapter Six - Seven Reasons of Men's Earthly-Mindedness
- Chapter Seven - Eleven Considerations to Take the Mind Off of Earthly-Mindedness
- Chapter Eight - Five Directions How to Get our Hearts Free from Earthly-Mindedness
A Treatise of Earthly-Mindedness
by Jeremiah Burroughs
Chapter 6
Seven Reasons of Men's Earthly-Mindedness
I shall now proceed to the reasons why it is that men's hearts are so set upon the earth, minding earthly things. Briefly, I will give you these reasons for it.
First, the things of the earth appear real to them, but spiritual and heavenly things are just a notion. That which has reality in it takes most with the heart. Men are deceived in this, though, for the Scripture speaks of spiritual things as the only real things, and earthly things as those which have no being at all. In Proverbs 23:5, it says, Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? (speaking of the riches of the world) it has no reality in it at all. But in Proverbs 8:20-21,
Lead me in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment, that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance -to inherit that which is, that which has a being. The honors of the earth are but a fantasy and vain show. You have read of Bernice and Agrippa. They came with much pomp, with great fancy, as the original says. But to an earthly man, these earthly things are real things, and therefore he minds them. Wisdom is a lie to a fool.
Secondly, they look upon these things as necessary, though the Scripture tells us but of one thing that is necessary. Yet they think that these earthly things are present now, they only have need of heavenly things hereafter. They may have need of reconciliation with God, pardon of sin, peace of conscience, and such things. They may have need of them, that is, when they depart out of this life. O the infinite folly of most hearts to think that there is so present a necessity of spiritual and heavenly things, whereas indeed, our life consists in them for the present! This is eternal life. We may come here in this world to enjoy eternal life, but the majority of people look upon all spiritual things only as our good for the future, when we leave here and are seen no more. Thirdly, these things are most suitable to men's hearts.
It's no wonder that they mind earthly things, they are of the earth, and from the earth; they have nothing but the first Adam in them. The first man was from the earth earthly. The truth is, the happiness of man's estate even in innocency, in the morning of the day of his creation, in comparison of the things that are now revealed by the gospel, was but earthly.
Take man when he was in paradise; that paradise was but earthly. But then take man in his fallen and corrupt estate. He cannot help but be earthly, and everything closes with what is suitable to that. Comfort does not come so much from the goodness of a thing, but from the suitableness of the object with the faculty. Now the things of the earth are suitable to men that are of the earth, and therefore they mind them. The heart will abundantly run out upon that which is suitable to it.
Fourthly, these things of the earth have a very fair show in the flesh. They have a kind of goodly appearance in the eye of sense, and in the eye of that reason that is now corrupted by sin. We have a most elegant expression of these earthly things, and those earthly-minded men who have their hearts set upon these things. It is in Galatians 6:12. As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, says the Scripture. The words are to signify when a man looks smug and neat. You shall have some men that dress themselves curiously and, having handsome bodies, they look so trim, fine, handsome, and very splendid to the eyes of all who behold them. So, he says, these men that are false teachers desire to make a fair show in the flesh. That is, they look upon the things of the flesh as those things that are appealing to the eye, and they look to have all things so complete about them so that they may look smug, and carry themselves with such beauty before the world.
Oh, this is their happiness, this they take satisfaction in! They seem to have fine estates, and to have appealing clothing, and all curious things about them. This looks so good in the eyes of the world, and therefore it is that their hearts are upon them. They are here enemies to the cross of Christ. They think suffering for Christ, poverty, or disgrace looks bad. But now, those that desire to make a fair show in the flesh, that would have their countenances well washed, fair, and beautiful wherever they go, and be somebody in this world, forsake the truths of God and seek to provide for themselves in the things of the flesh.
Fifthly, men naturally never knew better things than the things of the earth. It is no marvel, therefore, that they mind the things of the earth so much. Children that are born in a dungeon and never knew any better place can play up and down in the dungeon. So it is with men that never knew what the things of heaven and eternal life meant. They can mind earthly things better than those, but when the Lord opens the eyes of their understanding to see into the reality, excellency, and glory of spiritual things, then they wonder at their former blindness in minding such poor, low, mean, foolish rattles, as the things of the;! earth are.
Sixthly, there are earthly principles continually dropped into men by conversing with other earthly men. Psalm 49:11 says, Their inward thoughts are that their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling place to all generations; they call their lands after their own names. Their hearts are set on earthly things. Then, in the 13th verse, Their way is folly, yet their posterity approves their sayings. They are applauded by men. They see that everybody applauds them in these ways, and when they converse with one another, they converse about the things of the earth. They see everybody following the things of the earth, and they are greedy after these toys. That also inclines their minds to the things of the earth.
Lastly, the sensible experience they have had of the sweetness there is in the things of the earth takes their minds off spiritual things, and makes them to mind the things of the earth. But though these are the reasons why men mind the things of the earth, someday it will be shown to be folly.
Though an earthly-minded man blesses himself in this way, and thinks he has good reason for what he does, and thinks all men fools who do not grovel in the ground like a mole with him, and look upon the matters of religion as mere words and talk, let them do what they will, I will find contentment here. Their way will be proven folly. As the Holy Ghost said in the 49th Psalm, Their way Is folly.
In the end, the wise men of the earth, those that have sought the things of the earth and bless themselves in their way, will prove to be the greatest fools; the Holy Ghost accounts them so. In Jeremiah 17:11, it says, As the partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not, so he that getteth riches and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool. He applauds himself for what he presently has, but at the end he shall be a fool.