Bible Commentaries

People's New Testament

Luke 6

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
SUMMARY.--The Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath. The Man with the Withered Hand Healed. Accused of Sabbath-Breaking. The Apostles Chosen. Blessings and Woes. Returning Good for Evil. Evil and Good Fruit. The Wise and Foolish Builders.

Verses 1-5

It came to pass on a sabbath. Such is the reading of the Revision. The common text, the {second-first} in the Greek, is referred by Godet to {second-first} Sunday of the year. The {first} first Sabbath was the first Sabbath of the civil year; the {second} first was the first sabbath of the religious year. It came in the spring. For notes on the controversy caused by the Lord's disciples plucking the ears of wheat on the Sabbath, see Matthew 12:1-14. Compare also Mark 2:23-28 and Mark 3:1-5.

Ears of corn. Of wheat or barley.

Verses 6-11

It came to pass on another sabbath. For notes on the healing of the withered hand on the Sabbath, see Matthew 12:1-15 and Mark 3:1-5.

Verse 12

Went out into a mountain to pray. Preparatory to calling the apostles. Our Lord always prepared for any great crisis by prayer.

Verse 13

He called his disciples. After the night of prayer. Out of these twelve were chosen. For notes on the call of the Apostles see Matthew 10:1-5. These are four lists of the twelve: that here: Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19; Acts 1:13. They differ slightly because some of the apostles had two different names: for example, Matthew is also called Levi, and Simon is called Peter.

Verses 17-19

Came down and stood on a level place. We now come to Luke's report of the Sermon on the Mount, given much more fully in chapters 5,6 and 7 of Matthew, on which see notes. Luke only states that the sermon was preceded by the healing of the diseased in the vast multitudes which had assembled from all parts of the country.

Verses 20-23

Blessed. These beatitudes are given more fully in Matthew 5:3-12, where see notes. Luke says kingdom of God; Matthew, {of heaven,} showing that the two are the same.

Verses 24-26

Woe unto you that are rich! Matthew omits these woes. Woe unto all whose heart is set upon their riches and who take their delight and consolation in them. The woe rests upon all who are engaged in the greedy chase after wealth, or make it their great good. See Mark 10:24 and 1 Timothy 6:9-10, 1 Timothy 6:17.

Woe unto ye that are full now! Because, satisfied, they do not hunger after righteousness (Matthew 5:6). Such shall hunger when stripped of all that is earthly.

Woe unto you, ye that laugh now! Give themselves to merriment, seeking fun and enjoyment instead of preparation.

When all men shall speak well of you! Those who seek to be universally popular. Whoever does his duty will meet those who oppose him. Christ was reviled and slandered. These four woes are addressed to four classes: (1) Those who worship wealth; (2) those satisfied with their present life; (3) those who live for present enjoyment; (4) those whose aim is human praise and adulation.

Verses 27-36

Love your enemies. These precepts are found in Matthew's report in their connection. See notes there.

Verse 37-38

Judge not. See notes on Matthew 7:1-2.

Give into your bosom. The loose garment of a Jew was belted at the waist, and in its capacious bosom grain, or other articles, were carried.

Verse 39

Can the blind lead the blind? See notes on Matthew 15:14.

Verse 40

The disciple is not above his master. See note on Matthew 10:24.

Verse 41-42

The mote that is in thy brother's eye. See notes on Matthew 7:3-5.

Verses 43-45

For a good tree. See notes on Matthew 7:15-20.

Verses 46-49

Why call ye me, Lord, Lord? See notes on Matthew 7:21-27. Luke adds: Digged deep. This is often needful to reach the rock. We must dig deep, even to our heart, to its center, to build upon {the} Rock, Christ our Lord. The confession of faith in Christ (Matthew 16:16) must be believed with the heart (Romans 10:10), confessed with the mouth, in order that we may be built upon the Rock (Matthew 16:18).


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