Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Luke 6

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

it came to pass. A Hebraism.

on. Greek. en. App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 6:20, Luke 6:39, Luke 6:49.

the second sabbath after the first. All this represents only one word in the Greek (deuteroprotos), i.e. the second-first. Occurs only here in the N.T. The first and second sabbaths can occur only in the week of the three great Feasts. The first day of these feasts is a Sabbath "high day "(Hebrew. porn tov)), and is the "first "or great sabbath, whatever day of the week it falls on (see Leviticus 23:7, Leviticus 23:24, Leviticus 23:35), the weekly sabbath then becomes the "

second. This "second sabbath "was therefore the ordinary weekly sabbath, as is clear from Matthew 12:1. Not seeing this the current Greek texts solve the difficulty by omitting the word altogether! L Trm. WI R.

went = was going.

through. Greek dia. App-104. Luke 6:1.

corn fields. See Matthew 12:1.

did eat = were eating.

Verse 2

not. Greek. ou. App-105. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 6:29, Luke 6:30, Luke 6:37, Luke 29:39, Luke 29:49.

Verse 3

Jesus. App-98.

answering . . . said. See note on Deuteronomy 1:41.

them = to (Greek. pros. App-104) them.

Have ye not read. See App-143.

not = not so much as. Greek. ouden, compound of on. App-105.

what David did. See notes on Matthew 12:4.

with = in company with. Greek meta. App-104.

Verse 4

into. Greek eis. App-104.

did take. Peculiar to Luke.

also to them = to them also.

Verse 5

the Son of man. See App-98.

also of the sabbath = of the sabbath also.

Verse 6

also on another sabbath = on another sabbath also. Compare Matthew 12:9-14. Mark 3:1-6.

man. Greek anthropos. App-123.

whose right hand = his hand, the right [one]. withered. See on Mark 3:1.

Verse 7

watched = kept watching. Imperf. Tense. Compare Mark 3:2.

whether = if, &c. Assuming the possibility of the condition. App-118.

heal. See Luke 6:18.

that = in order that.

find. Peculiar to Luke.

Verse 8

knew = all along knew. Imperf. Tense. Greek oida. App-132. Not the same word as in Luke 6:44.

thoughts = reasonings (p. Matthew 15:19. James 2:4).

in. Greek. eis. App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 6:12, Luke 6:17, Luke 6:23, Luke 6:41, Luke 6:42.

Verse 9

unto. Greek pros. App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 6:35.

I will ask. All the texts read, "I ask", i.e. "I further ask".

life = a soul. See App-110.

Verse 10

looking round, &c. Mark's Divine supplement is "with anger", &c.

whole = healed.

other. See App-124.

Verse 11

filled with = filled of. See note on Luke 5:26.

madness = senseless rage.

communed = began to discuss.

with = [saying] one to. Greek. pros. App-104.

Verse 12

in. Greek. en. App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 6:8, Luke 6:17; Luk_6:-23.

a = the.

to pray. The third of seven such occasions in Luke. See note on Luke 3:21.

continued all night. Peculiar to Luke. A medical word. Compare Matthew 14:23.

prayer to God. Greek. prayer of God. Genitive of Relation. App-17.

Verse 13

was = became.

of = from. Greek. apo. App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 6:34, Luke 6:44, Luke 6:45. also

He named apostles = He named apostles also. Peculiar to Luke.

Verse 14

also named = named also. See App-141.

Bartholomew. App-94.

Verse 15

Matthew and Thomas . . . Alphaeus. All Aramaic. App-94.

Verse 16

also was the traitor = became even a traitor.

Verse 17

stood = stopped.

in = on. Greek. epi. App-104.

the plain = a level [spot].

the company = a crowd.

out of = away from. Greek. apo. App-104.

healed. Greek iaomai. Compare Luke 5:17.

Verse 18

vexed = beset.

with. Greek hupo. App-104., but the Texts read apo. spirits. Greek. pneuma. See App-101. healed. Greek. therapeuo. Compare Luke 5:15.

Verse 19

sought . . . went, &c. Bothare the Imperf. Tense = all the while were seeking to touch Him, for virtue was going out, &c.

virtue = power. App-172.

out of = from (beside). Greek. para. App-104.

Verse 20

And, &c. Not "Luke's version" of "the Sermon on the Mount", but a repetition in a different form of certain parts of it on a subsequent occasion. Why create a "discrepancy "by supposing that our Lord never repeated any part of His discourses? Compare Isaiah 28:9-13.

lifted up His eyes. Peculiar to Luke.

on = unto. Greek. eis. App-104.

Blessed, &c. = Happy. See note on Matthew 5:3.

the kingdom of God. See App-114.

Verse 21

now. In contrast with the future. In Divine reckoning the best always comes last. Peculiar to Luke.

Verse 22

separate you, &c. = cut you off.

cast out, &c. Compare Deuteronomy 22:19.

evil. Greek. poneros. App-128.

for = on account of. Greek heneka.

the Son of man. See App-98.

Verse 23

behold. Figure of speech Asterismos. App-6.

heaven = the heavens. Seenotes on Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:10.

in the like manner = according to (Greek. kata. App-104.) the same things. unto = to.

Verse 24

But. Greek. plen. Emphatic. woe. This is not a different and discrepant version of the Sermon on the Mount, but a varied repetition of parts of it.

have received = are receiving. Greek. apecho. The common word in the Papyri for a receipt. See note on Matthew 6:2.

consolation. Greek paraklesis = comfort. Akin to "Comforter". John 14:16, John 14:26

, &c. Compare Luke 2:25.

Verse 25

are full = have been filled.

Verse 26

the false prophets. Compare Jeremiah 5:31. 1 Kings 18:19, 1 Kings 18:22; 1 Kings 22:11. Isaiah 30:10.

Verse 27

Love. Greek. agapao. See App-135.

good = well.

Verse 28

Bless. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 6:20, Luke 6:21, Luke 6:22. pray. See App-134.

for = on behalf of. Greek. huper. App-104.

Verse 29

on. Greek. epi. App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 6:1, Luke 6:2, Luke 6:6, Luke 1:7, Luke 1:20.

cheek = jaw.

also the other = the other also.

other. See App-124.

cloke = mantle. See Matthew 5:40.

not. Greek me. App-105.

coat = tunic. See Matthew 5:40.

Verse 31

as = according

as would = desire. Greek thelo. See App-102.

Verse 32

For = And.

if. Assuming the hypothesis. App-118.

what = what kind of.

thank. Greek. charis. occurs more than 150 times; eight in Luke, here: Luke 6:33, Luke 6:34, Luke 6:30; Luke 2:40, Luke 2:32; Luke 4:22; Luke 17:9; not one in Matthew or Mark; generally translated "grace". App-184.

Verse 33

if ye do good. The condition being quite uncertain, where experience will decide. App-118.

Verse 34

of = from. Greek. para. App-104.

as much again = the like.

Verse 35

great. Emph. by Figure of speech Hyperbaton. App-6.

children = sons.


the Highest. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct) for Him Who is on high. See note on Luke 1:32.

unto. Greek. epi. App-104.

Verse 36

Be ye = Become ye.

merciful = compassionate. Greek. oiktirmon. Occurs only here and James 5:11.

Verse 37

not. Greek ou me. App-105.

Verse 38

men = [they] the professional measurers. mete. Anglo-Saxon = to measure.

Verse 39

Can the blind . . . ? = Is a blind [man] able to lea, a blind [man]?

shall = will.

Verse 40

above. Greek huper. App-104.

master = teacher. Greek. didaskalos. App-98.

perfect = set to rights (by his instruction being complete). See App-125.

Verse 41

beholdest. See App-133.

mote . . . beam. See notes on Matthew 7:3.

Verse 42

canst thou . . . ? = art thou able?

out of. Greek. ek. App-104. Not the same word a in verses: Luke 17:19.

Verse 44

is known = gets to be known. Greek ginosko. App-132. by. Greek. ek. App-104.

his = its.

of = from. Greek. ek. App-104.

bramble bush. Greek. batos. Occurs outside Lake and Acts only in Mark 12:26. It is the same word in Exodus 3:2-4 (Septuagint).

Verse 45

of = out of. Greek. ek. App-104. Compare Isaiah 32:6.

Verse 46

Lord, Lord. Figure of speech Epizeuxis (App-6), for emphasis App-98. B. a.

Verse 47

Whosoever = Every one. Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Genus), App-6. Put for those only who come. to. Greek. pros. App-104.

sayings = words. Plural of logos. Not the same word a in Luke 7:1. See note on Mark 9:32.

I will shew . . . is like. Peculiar to Luke.

Verse 48

digged deep. Greek. digged and deepened. Figure of speech Hendiadys (App-6), for emphasis: i.e. he dug-yea, he dug deep.

a = the. rock. Greek petra. As in Matthew 16:18.

flood, or inundation. Greek plemmura. Only here in N. T

stream = river. Greek. potamos.

beat vehemently = burst or brake. A medical term for a rupture.

for, &c. All the texts read "on account of (Greek. dia) its being well built".

upon. Greek. epi. App-104.

Verse 49

doeth not. The Negative expresses the feeling = doth not wish to do them.

it fell. All the texts read sunepesen for epesen, i.e. it collapsed.

ruin = breaking up. Another medical word.


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