- Introduction
- Chapter 1 - What is "Conditional Immortality"?
- Chapter 2 - Are all souls immortal?
- Chapter 3 - Are you saying there is no 'punishment' for the unsaved?
- Chapter 4 - Why rarely cited Isaiah 66:24 is a key.
- Chapter 5 - Doesn't Daniel 12:2 say some will face "everlasting contempt"?
- Chapter 6 - Why the "Book of Life" is exactly that, a book of Life.
- Chapter 7 - Why this topic is important.
- Chapter 8 - Why traditional theology is biblically wrong about the phrase "gnashing of teeth."
- Chapter 9 - Answering the critics & supposed scriptures that teach otherwise.
- Chapter 10 - Questions and MAJOR problems for those who hold to the eternal torment position.
- Chapter 11 - What some reviewers have said about a classic book on this topic
- Chapter 12: Comments left by previous readers
- Further Reading
- About the Author
A Biblical Defense of Conditional Immortality
Chapter 11
Visit author’s web site at www.jewishnotgreek.com
What Some Reviewers Have Said About a Classic Book on this Topic:
The reviews below were taken from Edward Fudge's own web site (www.edwardfudge.com) located under "written ministry" and about his book "The Fire that Consumes". I place them here only for you to see as items of interest. If you visit his web site, you will see that he is acquainted with best selling author Max Lucado. Additionally, the forward to this book was written by the great evangelical scholar F.F. Bruce.
In his more than 45 years as a pastor, teacher and lecturer, Edward Fudge has written and published numerous books and articles. In the mid-1980s, he began his pursuit of a law degree, which he earned from the University of Houston Law Center in 1988. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Houston Bar Association and State Bar of Texas.
Also, Edward Fudge has been recognized by both "Who's Who in Law" and "Who's Who in Religion." His book on this subject is a classic read by many scholars.
COLIN BROWN, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Calif.: "A very strong case for rethinking the notion of the eternal torture of all the lost."
F. F. BRUCE (Deceased), University of Manchester, England: "While this subject is one on which there is no unanimity among evangelical Christians, it is at the same time one on which they have often engaged in fierce polemic. What is called for, rather, is the fellowship of patient Bible study, the fruit of which Mr. Fudge presents here."
LYNN MITCHELL, University of Houston, Texas: "One of the most important books produced by conservative evangelicals in the 20th century."
JOHN W. WENHAM (Deceased), Oxford, England: "The author is biblical, reverent and fair, showing soundness and independence of judgment. He makes his main points with force and persuasiveness."
CLARK H. PINNOCK, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ontario: "I know of no book which answers this powerful case."
W. WARD GASQUE, Eastern College, Philadelphia: "An important and thought-provoking book that gives careful attention to the actual words of Scripture."
DALE MOODY (Deceased), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky: "I know of no biblical passage which, interpreted rightly and in context, conflicts with the conclusions of this book."
THOMAS H. OLBRICHT (Retired), Pepperdine University, Malibu, Calif: "Evidence for the common assumption that the wicked will suffer eternal conscious torture may not be as conclusive as assumed."
JOHN F. WALVOORD (Retired), Dallas Theological Seminary: "The most extensive study [of the subject] in recent years . . . commendably brings into the discussion many items that are often overlooked." (Dr. Walvoord expressly disagrees with the conclusions of this book.)
GEORGE LEONARD GOSS, former editor, Evangelical Book Club: "A thorough and convincing exposition."
NEW OXFORD REVIEW: "Exceptionally evenhanded, forceful and to the point."
MISSION JOURNAL: "A formidable scriptural argument which defenders of the popular view will be hard pressed to meet."
EVANGELICAL BOOK CLUB: "A thoughtful case for an opinion that deserves a hearing."
RESURRECTION MAGAZINE: "The definitive work on conditional immortality."
CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEWSPAPER: "Essential reading for anyone interested in the subject."
Also to be noted, in 1992, the (then) most recent global evangelism "Lausanne Conference" approved a revised Statement of Faith to allow for Conditional Immortality. This was partly as a result of a number of well-known Christian leaders, such as John Stott, Archbishop George Carey, Philip Hughes, Michael Green, Stephen Travis and Clark Pinnock having declared support for part, or all, of what we call conditional immortality.