Pandora's Box Office
Hollywood's War on Traditional Values
Documentary by The Apologetics Group
The West - including most Christians - have been hypnotized; seduced by flickering images and stereophonic sound. "Vain imaginations", masquerading as harmless entertainment, stand poised to succeed where economic depression and wars have failed. Hollywood has lifted the lid of Pandora's Box and now all Hell is breaking loose. We are literally "a-musing" ourselves to death.
The following video clips are excerpts from the award-winning documentary "Pandora's Box Office - a documentary that examines the entertainment industry from a Christian worldview perspective.
"We've been in this work for nearly 20 years and I've never seen anything better on video at explaining the culture war, Hollywood and a proper biblical response." —Dr. Donald Wildmon, President, American Family Association
The DVD is available at The Apologetics
[Click Here to read The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)]