Football: Should Christians Be Involved?

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross

by Hughie Seaborn

Australians love their football. Whether it be Rugby League, Rugby Union, or Aussie Rules, huge crowds of devotees, both men and women, young and old, can be found every weekend, packing out stadiums and sports fields throughout the land, passionately barracking for their teams and their heroes. But, I want to raise the question: "Should Christians be involved in the 'game' of football, at any level? - whether it be physically as one of the team, personally attending the matches as a spectator, or simply as a 'Norm', or 'Couch Potato', watching the game at home on the TV?"

In my experience, asking this question of Christians has produced an assortment of responses, some quite emotional, and an increasing number strenuously defend their belief that there is no harm to be done by their involvement with the game, at any level. "What could possibly be wrong with footy?" they ask. "Surely God is not against Christians having a bit of fun and entertainment, is He?"

But what does Scripture indicate should be our response? What is God's mind on the subject of football as a sport, or as entertainment? Does He even really care? I believe He does care, for a number of reasons which I will outline below, and I base my belief, not upon my own personal likes or dislikes, but upon what I see in the Word of God. For us, as professing Christians, the Bible reveals God's mind and thoughts on any given subject and it must be our foundation for everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). The Word of God is the object by which we are to have our senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).

The primary reason for my unpopular conclusions about football and for even bothering to write this article at all is because of my experience with a number of Christian brothers who were caught up in the exhilaration and competitiveness of the game, and my observations as to how it adversely affected their Christian walk and testimony.

May I say here at the outset, my desire is not that you, my Christian brother or sister in Christ, should simply follow me and conform to my beliefs and standards on this issue, but rather, that you should examine the situation, as it now escalates in the churches, with regards to football and similar sporting events, allowing the light of Scripture to reveal to you God's view of what is taking place. Pray, study the Scriptures and seek God's face, and come to your own conclusions as to what He would, or would not, have you believe and do.

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1. The Conviction of the Holy Spirit

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2. Separation To The Lord Spirit

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3. A Competitive Spirit & Aggression

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4. Ego & Pride

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5. Violence

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6. Drunkenness & Riotous Living

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7. The Forsaking Of The Assembly

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8. A Christian Testimony?

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See also:
Amusing Ourselves to Death
John Piper - Why I Don't Have a Television and Rarely Go to Movies
Ravi Zacharias - How Should Christians Watch TV?
The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930


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Comments (11)

A very well written and interesting article.

A pleasure to read!

Do you accept one to one email exchange?

Also just for clarification are you holding a mindset of asceticism whereby you refrain from all kinds of entertainment? By that I mean no secular musics, TV shows, fictional books and video games?

I'm new in Faith and this article just shed some light on my concerns about engaging in competitive football especially electronic gaming. I have a friend Brian and this guy sees visions. A serious Christian and a seer. There is a day we decided to play FIFA 22 after church service and he happens to be the type that get emotional about sweet nothings. As we were gaming I tackled an opponent and this friend of mine became outrageous and his face like a lion ready to prowl on me. He took it literally and he even quit playing and left my house broken and in anger. Just before he left something exceptional and divine happened. The gaming pad would switch off on itself despite being fully charged and this happened severally and since then I quit gaming. Its evil

I agreed from the start but wanted to add the evidence of what concussions are doing to boys and men. Watch the movie "Concussion" and you will realize it is not only violent but has the potential to destroy brain cells, therefore prone to Satan's suggestions. (Satan wants to destroy God's creation). My father was one such victim. He wanted to be a minister when he was young but after 15 years of football in the 1940s and 50s, he became increasingly violent. Despite being "anti" gun in political position, he bought a gun and shot himself. At least he didn't turn his gun on others, I guess, but still not what I imagined God wanted for him or us. Football is barbaric, and not what Jesus would do.

I doubt you will ever know how this article has been helpful.

More grace to you.

God is not involved in any sports, because of sin..

In the players and in the fans theirs hate, outbursts of wrath,pride,boasting, railings,exaltation, idolatry,covetous, strife,envy,murder, malice,the love of money,theft, etc

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