The Last Days According to Jesus
by R. C. Sproul
What did Jesus mean when He said to His disciples that some of them would not taste death until they saw the Son of Man coming in His kingdom? What is meant when the book of Revelation says that the things prophesied therein "must soon take place"? Comments such as these have raised many questions, causing some to conclude that Jesus was wrong about the time of His second coming. In this series, R.C. Sproul examines the time-texts associated with the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation, demonstrating that when properly understood, they are actually strong evidence for the truthfulness of Scripture. (Click here to purchase DVD from Ligonier Ministries')
The Last Days According to Jesus - 12 Lectures
Lecture 1: Crisis in Eschatology
This is Lecture One from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 2: Understanding the Parousia
This is Lecture Two from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 3: A Question of Time
This is Lecture Three from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 4: Literal or Figurative?
This is Lecture Four from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 5: This Generation
This is Lecture Five from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 6: End of the Age
This is Lecture Six from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 7: End of the Age
This is Lecture Seven from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 8: Book of Revelation
This is Lecture Eight from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 9: The Antichrist
This is Lecture Nine from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 10: The Beast
This is Lecture Ten from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 11: The Rapture
This is Lecture Eleven from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 11: The Rapture
This is Lecture Eleven from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.
Lecture 12: The Millennium
This is Lecture Twelve from the Teaching Series The Last Days According to Jesus.

Comments (2)
I discovered the 70ad connection on my own, it just shows how little anyone cares to actually look for overarching context to scripture. It shows the lack of respect for peoples discernment and intellectual capability. And of course it shows the lackluster efforts of countless ministries to put their passions into learning the New Testament, instead of trampling on the hearts and minds of the lost with regurgitated dogma that inevitably leads them into wilderness searching for truth. The ends do not justify the means, not in times where occult orders selectively prey on the disillusioned. I have so much to add to that, but that is a war and not just a battle. I'm not Josephus, so therefor I cannot draw accounts to every twisted event that is used to condition us. Just know that the dogma of most churches are in flux with the delta of all occult eschatological building blocks to a mock draft of Christian interpretation of apocalypse. Heed this warning, because I came here from extensive research into the topic of modern policy and future world order.
I have been a christian since I was 6 years old when my evangelist dad lead my brother and I to Christ. Several years later I recommitted my life to Jesus in my 7th grade and became a student of the Bible. My focus since then was to find out Gods will for my life and how do I live fulfilling his will on a daily basis. Even when my friends were interested in prophesy and end times I was the least bit interested in it. I was seeking the heart of my savior and what he wanted me to do with my life for his glory. I loved listening to Ravi Zacharias since my middle school. Later started listening and reading John MacArthur, ChucK Swindoll and lately Francis Chan. It was during a Q and A session listening to Macarthur I came across RC a few months back. I had heard of his grasp of the reformation theology but never really listened to him a whole lot. As I was listening to a Q and A session on youtube is when I felt I had missed such a clear presenter of the gospel. I started listening to him more and more. And one night my wife asked me about what I thought about the millennial reign of Christ that is when I began looking for someone to listen to. I did not have a clear answer. The scripture says that I need to give an answer for the hope I have at anytime. That's when I started looking for some material and came across this series on Youtube. I know RC is gone from this world but his video series here have been profound and has triggered my interest in Eschatology. I have listened to all the videos and have taken some notes. And hope to build on this. I will be for ever grateful to this ministry and amazed at his astonishing intellect. May his legacy continue at Legoniers ministries to the glory of God.