Bible Commentaries

E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament

Revelation 7

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross

Questions Revelation Chapter Seven

1.Whom did John see after this?

2.Where were they standing?

3.Tell what they were holding.

4.For what purpose were they holding them?

5. Whom did John see next?

6. From where was he coming?

7. Tell what he had.

B. How did he cry?

9. To whom did he cry?

10.What had been give to these?

11.Tell what they were told not to do.

12.For how long should they hold back?

13.State what John heard then.

14.From whom were the numbers reckoned?

15.State the number all told.

16.How were they distributed?

17.Which tribe was named instead of Dan? lB.How large mnltitude did John see next?

19.From what peQple were they?

20.Where did they stand?

21.How were they clothed?

22.What were in their hands?

23.How did they cry?

24.What did they ascribe to God?

25.Tell where He was sitting.

26.WhQm did they associate with him?

27.Where did all the angels stand?

28.What posture of body did they take?

29.Tell what they did.

30.What conclusive word did they pronounce?

31.State what they ascribed to their God.

32.For how long should it be so?

33. Who then spoke to John?

34. State the question he asked.

35. Repeat John's answer.

36.Who answered the questioing?

37.Out of what had these persons come?

38.What had been done to their robes?

39.In what had this been done?

40.How did it leave them as to condition?

41.For this reason they are where?

42.They are doing what?

43.At what time are they here?

44.Who shall dwell among them?

45.How about thier hunger?

46.And their thirst?

47.What will not light on them?

48.By whom shall they be fed?

49.Unto what will he lead them?

50.Tell what shall be wiped away.

Verse 1

After the altar scene in Revelation 6:9-11, the vision opens the sixth seal to give a view of the consternation that came upon the men in high places, because of their mistreatment of Christians and because they were faced with the reverses that the emperor had forced upon them. The present chapter extends the consideration that God had for the "martyrs," at the same time He was bringing the siege of consternation upon the persecutors of His people. The four angels are so numbered because of the four corners or four points of the earth's compass. Holding the four winds symbolizes the blowing of the wrath of God over the realm of the persecutors, and these angels were holding this wind ready to be released whenever they were so ordered.

Verse 2

As the four angels were "standing at attention" ready to turn the winds loose upon the curth (referring to the domains of the Roman Empire), another angel was seen coming with a special message to the four. From the east is figurative and means it was from the throne of God, because he is the source of all spiritual light, even as the sun which brings material light to the world, first appears in the east. Hurt the earth is referring back to the conditions of consternation and destruction described in the closing verses of chapter6.

Verse 3

They were told to hold back the winds until the faithful ones had been accounted for. A seal is a stamp of ownership and is placed on the proper persons to indicate the approval of the authority behind it. (See the comments at 1 Corinthians 9:2.) This seal was to be placed in the forehead which indicates they would be visible to the public. Whatever was the exact fulfilling of this symbol, there was something that would tell the world of God's approval of them. Hence when the wicked men of power were undergoing their terrors, they could realize how much they had failed in their wicked designs. Right while they were trembling in the terrors of their crumbling dominions, they could see the victims of their cruelty with the marks of approval from their God.

Verse 4

The number of those who were sealed is given in exact and equal figures, which makes us know that it is all another expression of figurative speech and that the meaning is that great numbers of true Christians had won the stamp of approval from the Lord. Tribes of the children of Israel, it is known that after the conversion of Cornelius in the first t"our years of the Gospel, the Gentiles furnished many converts to Christ. Hence there were many of those who were perse- cuted as well as of the Jews. The reference to the twelve tribes is therefore accommodative, similar to the instance in James 1:1.

Verse 5

Having explained the significance of the tribal classification. and since the same thing is said of each tribe. I am combining these verses into one paragraph to conserve time and space.

Verse 9

This verse verifies the comments at. verse4 , for here we have the same kind of persons referred to in other numerical terms. They also are said to be from all nations. etc, which would prevent us from restricting the "twelve tribes" to the Jews. White robes signified a life of righteousness and palms are medals betokenlng their victory over "great tribulation" (verse14).

Verse 10

Salvation to our God means to ascribe salvation to Him, and unto the Lamb is combined in the praise because God perfects all plans

through the Son.

Verse 11

The angels stood round about the throne and in the presence of the elders and the four living creatures as a mark of respect. But when they performed their homage of wor-ship it was before the throne unto God.

Verse 12

Saying. Amen. Thayer says that at the beginning of a discourse the word means, "Surely, of a truth, truly." Thus the angels were announcing that they were about to utter something that would surely be the truth, namely, that all the good qualities mentioned in the verse should truly be ascribed to God. The declaration was made emphatic still more by closing it with .amen.

Verse 13

The elder put his statement in the form of a question to gain the attention of John. The ones ar- ru;/etl in zrltitc robes were those in Revelation 6:11 and those of the twelve tribes in this chapter.

Verse 14

John understood that such was the purpose of the question, for he replied thou. knowestt. The elder then gave the answer which confirms the idea that they were the persecuted servants of God already referred to. Came out of on at tribulation denotes their triumph over their persecutors. Not that. they escaped death, for John had seen their souls outside of their bodies. But it‘ a servant of God is faithful even in the midst of persecution then death cannot rob him of victory. Washed their robes is a figurative reference to their being cleaned by the blood of Christ.

Verse 15

All of the statements in this verse are figurative, for the purified saints had lost their lives for testifying on hehalt' of the word of God. But they were being held in honored remembrance and were destined to be always "welcome callers" in the intimacies of the Father.

Verse 16

Shall not hunger nor thirst because those are wants that pertain to this life, and they have become citizens of a region where physical wants are unknown. The light and heat of the sun are things of the past for the same reasons.

Verse 17

Lamb shall feed them with delicacies that are unknown to men living in the flesh. Living fountains of waters are among the blissful objects to be enjoyed by those who overcome by faith in the Lamb. Wipe away all tears by preventing anything that could cause tears.


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