Bible Commentaries

E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament

Hebrews 2

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross

Questions For Hebrews Chapter Two

1.To what fact does "therefore" refer?

2.Give definition of heed.

3.What things have we heard?

4.Lest what might happen?

5.What law or word was spoken by angels? See Acts 7:1-60.

6.Distingnish transgression and disobedience.

7.Cite an instance of each in Old Testament.

8.Answer question in forepart of verse3.

9.What is referred to by great salvation?

10.When was it first spoken of by the Lord?

11.My whom was it confirmed unto us?

12.By what was it confirmed?

13.Whose will was thus fulfilled? .

14.Find reference to this in Acts 2:1-47 nd chapter.

15.What authority has been kept from the angels?

16.Which was first, angels or the "world to come"?

17.Did angels exist at time of Genesis creation?

18.What intelligent creature was brought to being then?

19.Which of the two had inferior nature?

20.Tell which was given superior authority.

21.Of which nature did Jesus partake?

22.Would not this fact alone place him above the other?

23.For what special reason was Jeaus given this nature?

24.After that what added superiority was given him?

25.Connect this with verses one to three.

26.For whom was he to taste of death1

27.By what favor could he do this?

28. It became him; became whom?

29.What things are by him?

30.Of what beings are the "sons" brought to glory1

31.Who is the captain here?

32.In what sense was he not perfect1

33.When was this perfection added to him?

34.Summing up: to whatbeings was Jesus superior?

35.In what manner did hebecome inferior?

36.How did this make himstill more superior again?

37.How should all this affect his authority with us?

38.What should it do for the authority of Moses?

39.Who are the sanctified in verse eleven?

40.State the one who sanctifies.

41.What is said of their mutual relation1

42.For this cause what does he call them?

43.What institution is composed of his brethren?

44.Who said "I will put my trust in him"?

45.Howdoes this indicate a brotherhood with Christians?

46.Howdocs "children which God has given me" take place?

47.Whydid Christ take part in flesh and blood1

48.Whom did he wish to destroy?

49.In what sense will he destroy him?

50.Whom does Jesus design to deliver?

51.To what fear were they in bondage?

52.Why contrast angels with Abraham1

53.Why should he be made like unto his brethren?

54.For what must reconciliation be made?

55.What qualified him to succor the tempted?

Verse 1

Therefore means in view of the things set forth in the preceding chapter, the following conclusions should be observed. More earnest heed signifies that we should be all the more concerned about it, since we have heard our duty taught by the Son of God and his spokesmen. Slip is from PARARREO, which Thayer defines, "To flow past, to glide by; lest we be carried past, pass by." He then explains his definition to mean, "Lest the salvation which the things heard show us how to obtain slip away from us." Thayer also quotes from Greek literature to show the word to mean, "A thing escapes me, slips away from my mind." Even if Christians do not deliberately discard the sayings of Christ, they may forget about them unless they give earnest heed to them.

Verse 2

Spoken by angels. There were times when God delivered some special messages to individuals through the services of angels ( Genesis 16:9; Genesis 19:17, and others). But the main thing Paul has in mind is the use God made of the angels in delivering the Mosaic law to the people ( Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19). Was stedfast means it was fairly established on the authority of Christ. Transg-ression denotes a going over and beyond an established law; not only the doing what it expressly says must not be done, but also the doing of what it does not give any authority to do. Disobedience means the simple failure to do what the law requires, regardless of the cause or motive for such failure. Recompence of reward is all from one Greek word that means the treatment one receives on account of his conduct. Just signifies that what was done to those who transgressedor disobeyed the law of Moses, given through the services of angels, was proper and what they deserved.

Verse 3

How shall we escape our just fate? If we neglect is fully as dangerous as to be guilty of active wrongdoing. So great salvation is said because of the greatness of the means by which it was made known to us, which means will now be described. Began to be spoken by the Lord. Jesus spent more than three years in the personal work of preparing the foundation or fundamentals of His kingdom among men. W-as confi Acts 1:21-22). The apostles had first-hand information from Christ when he was on earth, and they afterward received "all truth" pertaining to the Gospel as the plan of Christ for salvation ( John 16:13). This word was confirmed by the miracles which they and their converts were enabled to perform ( Mark 16:20).

Verse 4

These miracles are to be attributed to God also, because He bestowed the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) on the apostles in answer to the prayer of Christ ( John 14:16). Gifts according to his own will. The miraculous gifts which the disciples were enabled to perform in the early years of the church were regulated by the Lord in the best way for the good of the work of salvation ( 1 Corinthians 12:7).

Verse 5

Paul is still considering the superiority of Christ over the angels, and of His law over that which was "spoken by angels." Those beings were inferior even to all men that they were not to have dominion over the earth at the time of creation, while it was given to man. (See Genesis 1:26-28.) The world means the inhabited part of the universe, and to come is said because when the dominion was given to Psalm 8:4-6. Testified is a strong word in the original, and denotes a solemn and earnest declaration, as if the speaker felt surprise and admiration over something. What is man is not meant to lower the importance of Luke 20:36). Notwithstanding this humble status of Genesis 1:26-28. From here on the apostle extends his remarks to include Jesus, which is not considered in the original passage in the Psalm. This is not the only instance where a New Testament writer makes a second or extended use of an Old Testament passage. Hosea 11:1 is said regarding the departure of ancient Israel from Egypt, but Matthew 2:14-15 quotes it and applies it to Christ. Likewise Matthew 1:23 cites Isaiah 7:14 and applies is to Christ, yet the passage in Isaiah first referred to an infant born to the prophet and his young wife. See not yet all things put under him is said of Jesus, and the next two verses will indicate what it is that is not yet put under or been conquered by Jesus, and what he must first suffer before His final victory over all except his Father.

Verse 9

Jesus was made lower than the angels in regard to his body only, as explained in verse7; it is further explained in the present verse. In order to be able to taste death for every Psalm 22:22, which is a part of a chapter composed of predictions about Christ. In the midst Of the church. In Matthew 18:20 Jesus promises to be present in every scriptural assembly, and in such a meeting He will be joining in the praises.

Verse 13

This verse is a quotation from some Old Testament sayings, parts of them from David, pertaining to the close fellowship between the Lord and his disciples.

Verse 14

The fellowship is continued in this verse. The motive for sharing in a nature of flesh and blood is the same as indicated in verse9. Destroy is used in the sense of counteract, for the devil will never be literally destroyed. But he had the pourer of causing death to come upon mankind. and Jesus died and rose again in order to bring all men to life again.

Verse 15

Bondage is from DOULEIA which is literally defined by Thayer as follows: "Slavery, bondage, the condition of a slave." He then explains it to mean, "The slavish sense of fear." With no prospect of living again, mankind would have a feeling of dread for death that would be like the terror caused by a harsh master over his slaves. Such a fear of death would indeed be a cruel bondage, but the resurrection of Christ dispelled that fear in the minds of all who believe in Him.

Verse 16

Nature is not in the original text because angels are not natural beings. The thought is that Jesus did not come into the world with a body like those of the angels, for then He could not have died ( Luke 20:36). He came instead as a fleshly descendant of Abraham.

Verse 17

It was necessary for Jesus to be like his brethren with regard to His body, in order to have a sympathetic interest in their trials and other tests. Being so formed, He could have a feeling of mercy toward them in their transgressions. One meaning of faith ful is to be "worthy of trust; that can be relied on." Christ became such a high priest by partaking of the nature of fleshly Hebrews 4:15) as we are. This made Him able to succour (support) others who were taken in their sins, or who are in danger of being so taken.


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