Bible Commentaries

Whedon's Commentary on the Bible

Mark 8

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verses 1-9


(See notes on Matthew 15:32-38.)

Verse 8

8. Meat — This word is used in its old English sense and signifies food.

Verse 10

10. Dalmanutha — The situation of this place is not at the present day known, but commentators have located it on the west side of the lake, near the town of Magdala, mentioned in Matthew 15:39; and Dr. Thomson found a Dalhamia on the Jordan, a little town south of the lake, which he is inclined to believe to be this Dalmanutha. See map at page 62. There would then be no contradiction between Matthew and Mark. Our Saviour may have gone by ship to Dalhamia, as Mark would then say, and thence to Magdala. In that case Matthew simply mentions the place to which our Lord went before he left the ship, and the conversation with the Jews in regard to the sign.

Verses 11-13

§ 70. — THE DEMAND FOR A SIGN, Mark 8:11-13.

(See notes on Matthew 16:1-4.)

Verse 13

13. To the other side — That is, from Dalmanutha or Magdala he recrosses to Butaiha, on the northeast side.

See notes on Matthew 16:5-12.

Verses 13-21

§ 71. — THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARISEES, Mark 8:13-21.

Verse 22

22. A blind man — It is clear from Mark 8:24 that he had not been born blind. Besought him to touch him — There was evidently no doubt on their part that a touch from our Lord would do the deed.

Verses 22-26

§ 72. — GRADUAL CURING OF THE BLIND MAN, Mark 8:22-26.

This miracle is related by Mark alone.

Verse 23

23. Spit on his eyes — See notes on Mark 7:33. Asked him if he saw aught — Our Lord in this whole process of half curing and then wholly curing, shows that the result is completely at his command. He can, as at some times, perform the work without word or sign; at others with an instantaneous word; at others still with a word and sign; and finally, as here, with word and sign, arresting the completion as he pleases. Disease shall start, and depart forthwith, or go by lingering delays, as he permits.

Verse 24

24. Men as trees, walking — Had the man been born blind he would not have recognized either men or trees as such. One who has received his sight for the first time would not know a circle from a square, or identify any visible form as being what he had heretofore known.

Verse 26

26. Nor tell it to any in the town — Any man residing in the town. Very probably there was at this time a special suspicion existing of the authorities in regard to Jesus. Herod Philip (resident so near as Cesarea Philippi) may have been in Bethsaida. This supposition would account both for Jesus taking the man out of the town and for this prohibition to tell any man in it.

Verse 27

§ 73. — THE APOSTOLIC INAUGURATION AT CESAREA PHILIPPI, Mark 8:27-30; Matthew 16:13-21.

27. And Jesus went out — From Bethsaida. Towns of Cesarea — The hamlets near the city. It does not appear that our Lord went into the city itself.

Verses 31-38


(See notes on Matthew 16:21-28.)

Verse 34

34. When he had called the people — The people were to hear this lesson, although they had not heard of the previous with the disciples on which it was founded. For, according to Matthew, and in strict force of connection, it was addressed mainly to the disciples.

Verse 38

38. Son of man… when he cometh — For both the Son of man and the sons of men are going to the judgment day. He is to sit on the throne, and they to stand before it.


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