Bible Commentaries

Thomas Scott: Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations on the book Psalms

Psalms 97

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verses 1-12

Psalm 97:1-12.

V:1. The Septuagint entitle this "A " Psalm of David, after his land was restored to him," meaning that he composed it, when he was Matthew 12:21, is expounded as follows, "In him shall " " the Gentiles trust." " Bp. Home. Europe, however, and the isles between Asia and Europe, seem more generally meant by this expression. (Notes, Genesis 10:2-5, conclusion. Zephaniah 2:11.)

V:2. " Clouds and darkness" may either denote the terrors, with which the Lord appals his enemies, when he goes forth to execute righteous vengeance upon them; or the obscurity which rests upon his dispensations and dealings with his people, till the accomplishment of his promises and prophecies throws light upon them. (Notes, Psalm 77:19-20. Nahum 1:2-6, v3.) But, however it may appear to his creatures, or even to his most eminent saints; however they may be ready to say, " All these things arc against me," or, " Hath God forgotten to be gracious? " and however the wicked may blasphemously revile his awful justice, as tyranny or cruelty; yet righteousness and judgment are the basis, the support and establishment, " of " his throne." (Notes, Psalm 89:13-14. Psalm 99:4.) His mercy-seat is founded on judgment and righteousness; the justification of the believer, through the merits and atonement of Christ, magnifies the law, and honours the justice of God, as well as his grace. Every providential dispensation, whatever present appearances may be, springs from the same glorious union of justice and mercy, in the manifold Romans 2:4-6; Romans 3:21-31.)

V:3- 7 In the deep but righteous judgment of our King, Jerusalem and its inhabitants were miserably destroyed, as by a consuming fire, for their enmity to him and his kingdom. (Notes, Matthew 22:1-10; Matthew 24:1-2.) The subversion of the deep-rooted foundations of idolatry, throughout the immense Roman empire, during the first three centuries, and by the conversion of Constantino

the emperor to Christianity, may next be predicted, in me taphorical language taken from the displays of the divine power and presence at mount Sinai. (Notes, 11- 6. Exodus 19:16-20. Deuteronomy 4:11; Deuteronomy 5:22-29; Deuteronomy 33:2. Hebrews 12:18-21.) The mountainous obstructions, which before seemed to render the general promulgation of Christianity insurmountable, thus melted before God, like wax before the fire: (Notes, Micah 1:2-4 :) the devoted worshippers of idols, even the greatest of them, were alarmed as by tremendous lightnings and earthquakes. His righteousness, in the destruction of the persecuting tyrants of those times, was conspicuous as the heavens : all the people, or peoples, beheld the divine glory, in making his cause triumphant : and the pagans were confounded, and ashamed of their idols, in which they had so long gloried. Not only did angels worship the exalted Redeemer; but rulers, who are the vice-gerents of the great God, submitted to him, and became his subjects : and all the mighty ones of the earth prostrated themselves before him, who had thrown down the idol gods of the heathen, by his presence and power. (Marg. Ref.) The Septuagint render the word translated " gods," by angels and thus the apostle quotes the verse, when speaking of the dignity of Christ. (Notes, Psalm 95:3. Hebrews 1:5-7) Hence we learn that Christ himself as Emmanuel, is peculiarly intended. He is the Object of universal adoration : and all the angels of God, (instead of receiving worship from Christians, according to the abominable idolatry of the Roman Antichrist,) are fellow-worshippers with Christians, when adoring the great Redeemer. Thus they were, under the law, represented by the Cherubim bowing down over the ark, " desiring to look into these things; " and in many respects joining in Israel's worship : and thus they are introduced by Exodus 25:10-21. 1 Peter 1:10-12. Revelation 5:11-14.)

V:8 , 9. (Note, Psalm 48:11.) "Jerusalem, the mother " city, hath received the news of thy victories with a joyful " heart; after whose example all the other cities of Judah " are exceeding glad, O Lord, because thou hast judged " righteously in destroying our idolatrous enemies, and " defending thy faithful servants." Bp. Patrick. Whatever events gave occasion to the Luke 15:8-10. Acts 15:1-6; Acts 21:17-21. Revelation 19:16.)

V:10. " Shew your love to the LORD, by hating and forsaking all sin." There is a peculiar emphasis in this caution, with reference to the events supposed to have been predicted; as it is well known, that secular prosperity soon corrupted the visible church, in a most lamentable manner, and brought in an inundation of evils, which are by no means terminated at this day. Yet the souls of the faithful remnant have in every age been preserved, notwithstanding the snares of the world, in-dwelling sin, the contagion of false doctrine, and the fury of persecution. (Marg. Ref. Notes, Psalm 37:27-28. 1 Samuel 2:9. 1 Peter 1:3-5.) " The redeemed ... are characterised by their " love " " of God; " they are enjoined to " hate evil : " this " hatred is indeed a consequence and a sure proof of that " love, when it is genuine and sincere. ...A Christian must " not only serve God outwardly, but must inwardly " love" " him : he must not content himself with abstaining from " overt acts of sin, but must truly hate it. They who do " Romans 8:28-39.)

V:11. "Though God's deliverance appear not suddenly; yet it is sown and laid up in store for them." (Notes, Psalm 112:4. Psalm 126:5-6. Galatians 6:6-10.) Light is the emblem of knowledge, holiness, and joy : and it is here compared to seed, which lies long under the clods, but at length comes up and yields an increase. (Note, 1 John 1:5-7) St. James exhorts Christians to wait and be patient, after the example of the husbandman : but he means real Christians, " the upright in heart," who hate evil, and are true saints; for God will surely preserve them. (Marg. Ref. Notes, Psalm 73:1; Psalm 84:10-11. James 5:7-11.)

V:12. Give thanks, &c.J Or, " Praise, for a memorial, " &c." that Psalm 30:4. Psalm 111:4. Matthew 26:26-28.) " Tribulation " ... should not prevent our " rejoicing in Jehovah our righteousness," who justifieth us from our sins; no adversity ought to make us negligent in celebrating, with " thanksgiving, the " commemorations of his holiness,"... " to the end that we may alway remember, with gratitude, " how great things he hath done for us already, and reflect " with comfort on those much greater things, which he " hath promised to do for us hereafter." Bp. Home.


The wise and righteous government of God is well calculated to rejoice the hearts of all rational creatures, except rebels, who have exposed themselves to his powerful vengeance : but the kingdom of JEHOVAH, as administered by the eternal 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. Revelation 18:4-8 :) and the Lord Jesus will ere long come, and confound all idolaters throughout the earth, and put an end to idolatry of every kind. All the angels of God worship him : we cannot therefore err in joining their adoration, and in " honouring the John 5:20-23 :) and the monarchs of the earth will never consult their own interest and honour, till they prostrate themselves before him, and use their authority in obedience to his commandments. (Note. Psalm 2:10-12.) As these events take place, the church of God, in every land, does greatly rejoice : nay, we cannot but be glad on account of those judgments of God upon persecuting tyrants, which promote the success of his gospel. But if we really love the Lord, and desire that his " name should be hallowed, his kingdom come, and his " will be done on earth as in heaven; " (Notes, Matthew 6:9-10;) we shall in proportion hate and dread the evil of sin, and carefully watch against the commission and the occasions of it. This is the best expression of our love, and our most effectual method of forwarding those desirable events. The remnant of upright believers shall be preserved in the worst of times; and the light of joy and consolation is sown for them, in a good soil, and will surely spring up and ripen to a glorious harvest. Let us then rejoice in the Lord, though in the world we have tribulation : let us thankfully recollect, that his purity, justice, truth, and goodness, are pledged to support and deliver all, who trust in him : and, as he infinitely hates sin, yet freely loves the person of the sinner who believes in Christ; he will certainly make a final separation between the man whom he loves, and the sin which he hates, and sanctify his people wholly, in body, soul, and spirit.


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