Bible Commentaries

Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae

Revelation 17

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 14



Revelation 17:14. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

THE book of Revelation is confessedly dark and mysterious: yet there are many parts of it plain and perspicuous. The prophecy before us is not without its difficulties. We cannot doubt, however, but that it declares the downfal of popery. But we forbear to dwell on those parts which are difficult of interpretation: we confine our attention to what is most obvious in the text: in illustrating which we shall shew,

I. Who they are that war against the Lamb—

The text speaks of those who should oppose the cause of Christ, and the interests of his Gospel. Now this is done by,

1. Those who maintain sentiments contrary to the Gospel of Christ—

[A person may err with respect to subordinate matters, and yet have his heart, on the whole, right with God; but an error in the fundamental points argues a depraved state of mind. A man who denies the divinity of Christ, the sufficiency of his atonement, the influences of his Spirit upon the soul, or the necessity of an unreserved devotedness of heart to God, sets aside the whole Gospel; he therefore opposes Christ in his most essential interests, and wars against the Lamb [Note: Luke 10:16.].]

2. Those who endeavour to subvert his influence over his people’s hearts—

[There is scarcely an unconverted person that does not, like Cain and Ishmael, revile and persecute the children of God: and how many does such treatment intimidate and subvert! Whatever then a scoffing world may think of their conduct, they are really fighting against Christ himself: in touching his people, they touch the apple of his eye [Note: Acts 9:4. Zechariah 2:8.].]

But we cannot doubt,

II. What will be the issue of the contest—

The enemies of Christ may appear to triumph for a while, but he will surely overcome them at the last.

Over some he will triumph by his grace—

[None are beyond the reach of his arm; none are so vile but that he feels compassion towards them; nor are any so stout-hearted but he is able to subdue them. He who vanquished the persecuting Saul, can and will make others also to be similar monuments of his grace and mercy.]

But those who reject all his overtures of mercy, he will break in pieces like a potter’s vessel—

[His triumphs over them are admirably painted in the second Psalm; and he himself tells us what a sentence he will pass upon them in the day of judgment [Note: Luke 19:27.]. However long their conflicts with him may be, this must at last be the termination of them.]

To impress this on our minds, let us consider,

III. What assurance we have that such shall be the issue of it—

Two pledges of his victory are mentioned in the, text:

1. His own power—

[Were he the first of created beings, his success might be uncertain; but he is Lord of lords, and King of kings.” And though he is a Lamb, yet will he shew himself to be the “Lion of the tribe of Judah.” Whoever shall presume to oppose him, he will go through them, and burn them up together [Note: Isaiah 27:4.].]

2. His people’s constancy—

[They have not indeed, of themselves, any strength or constancy; but they have been “chosen” of God from before the foundation of the world [Note: Ephesians 1:4.]. They have in due time been “called” by the effectual operation of his grace; and they are made “faithful” by him, so that nothing can induce them to desert his cause [Note: Acts 20:20.]. The least and weakest among them all is more than conqueror through the strength of Christ [Note: Romans 8:37.]; and all may adopt the language of triumph, even while conflicting on the field of battle [Note: Romans 8.]—.]


1. Let us assist you in inquiring whether ye be among the friends or enemies of Christ—

[While some are against Christ, others “are with him:” they are with him in sentiment, in affection, in profession, in conduct. How great is the difference between those who in outward appearance are the same! O search and see whether ye be the friends or enemies of Christ [Note: Matthew 12:30.]: according as you prove yourselves to be in this life, you will surely be found in the day of judgment.]

2. Let us address each of those characters—

[To his enemies we say, Consider whose enemies you are. Is this the treatment he has deserved at your hands? Is there not a time coming when he will fearfully resent it? If you be of the number of his friends, “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called [Note: Ephesians 4:1.].” Let nothing, however pleasing, or however formidable, tempt you to forsake him. Be faithful unto death, and he will give you a crown of life [Note: Revelation 2:10.].]


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