Bible Commentaries

Poor Man's Commentary

Jeremiah 37

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1


The history of the siege by the Chaldeans, is related in part in this Chapter. At the report of Pharaoh's army, the siege is raised. Jeremiah going to the land of Benjamin, is smitten and cast into prison, but after many days is taken out. He still prophesieth evil to the land.

Verse 1-2

What an awful thing it is, when children tread in the steps of their ungodly fathers, and the rising generation seem but to exceed the former in impiety.

Verse 3

Reader! is it not strange, that the ungodly should willfully persist in their transgressions, and yet seek an interest in the prayers of the faithful. Is not this a testimony to God's truth. Precious Jesus! how blessed is it, that the unworthiness of the redeemed, do not put a stop to thine unceasing intercession!

Verse 4

There is somewhat very singular in this relation of Jeremiah's freedom. Surely the boldness, and faithfulness of the Prophet, must have been very galling to the king and his people. But God's fear was upon them. Do my Prophets no harm! Psalms 105:15.

Verses 5-10

Who but must admire the Prophet upon this occasion. Oh! for a portion of the same Almighty Spirit, to be imparted to all that minister in holy things, and especially in a time of prevailing corruption. Reader! observe the temporary relief, the Lord in mercy gave, by the removal of the Chaldean army at the approach of the Egyptians. But, as the Prophet declared, and the history afterwards proved, it was but temporary. So is it with the forbearance of God to sinners, who harden themselves therefrom, in their wickedness. Observe what the Prophet saith, even wounded men shall be enough to destroy, when the Lord commissions them.

Verse 11-12

Probably the poor despised Prophet, grieving to see that all his labours for his people were so completely useless, intended to retire to Anathoth, there to mourn in secret over the impending desolations. Alas! what can be more painful to a faithful servant of the Lord, than to discover all his preaching useless!

Verses 13-15

Falling off to the Chaldeans, had such a thought been entertained, should have been while they were besieging Jerusalem. The thing spoke for itself, that it was both false and absurd. But, Reader! is it not the same in all ages? It is faithful ministers that incur the reproach of the ungodly; and disaffection to the earthly, power, and zeal to the divine glory, are with some, one and the same. Is it not probable, that this spawn of Hananiah, (partaking as he did of the same malevolence,) sprung from the very false prophet of that name, who had lately died for speaking lies in the name of the Lord. See Jer 28.

Verses 16-21

We have here a most interesting relation, in which Jeremiah appears most delightful indeed. Neither stripes, nor prisons, can make the faithful servants of the Lord less faithful: yea the exercises of a prison are always found to give a greater dignity and strength to their preaching. Witness the Apostles Paul and Silas, Ac 16. And what a rich savour do those Psalms of David afford, which were composed in the wilderness; and Paul's Epistles from prison? Ps 63 Epistle Php 1; 2; 3; 4 throughout.

Verse 21


READER! I pass by several other weighty things, which might be proposed, from the view of the events recorded in this Chapter, to call your attention, while I wish to exercise my own, on the situation of the poor, despised, and mournful Prophet, Jeremiah. Behold his faithfulness in the midst of danger; no change in his preaching could be wrought by all their threats, or his sufferings; whether cast into prison, or whether brought forth for death. It should seem, that for many days, he lay in the dungeon unregarded and unpitied, and without food. But yet, when brought from it to deliver the word of the Lord, he had no soothing message for the king. Reader! it is the happiness of God's people, in the present hour, that they are not called forth to such trying times and exercises: nevertheless, faithfulness in every age, though not exposing to bodily punishment, must and will expose to painful reproaches from the ungodly. It is very blessed to eye Jesus upon all these occasions; and to rest in the assurance that Jesus eyes his servants. Jeremiah was in the prison: John the beloved Apostle at Patmos, and Paul and Silas in the stocks: but Jesus was there also. Men may persecute, when he permits, as Shimei did David; but the day of retribution will come. And oh! what a tremendous day to those that offend one of Christ's little ones! Precious Lord! let thy grace support all thy people, during the dark and trying hour, until the bright and glorious morning come, when those their enemies, that now seem to triumph, they shall see their faces no more forever.


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