Bible Commentaries

Poor Man's Commentary

Ezekiel 43

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1


The Prophet having been in the preceding Chapters introduced into the house of God, is now led to behold the glorious Inhabitant, and Lord of it. A similar appearance, like that Ezekiel had seen at Chebar, is here manifested to him.

Verses 1-6

We have a most interesting account in these few verses. Here is the Lord appearing to the Prophet in a similar glory to what we read of Ezekiel's visions at the first: see Ezekiel 1:26. Coming from the way of the east, seems to be in allusion to the first rise of all things. Hence Jesus is said to be, the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16. And the wise men, who came to Jerusalem to enquire after Christ at his birth, was led by the light of a star from the East. Matthew 2:2; Revelation 7:2. The Prophet's falling upon his face, is as might be expected. Hiding the face, or falling to the earth, are expressions of great humbleness of soul. Daniel 10:8; Revelation 1:17.

Verses 7-12

What a vast degree of graciousness is manifested here in these words. Surely these promises related to the gospel church, as the Lord had pointed out, and as they are now fulfilled, to the souls of all true believers in Jesus. Jeremiah 31:31, etc. explained by Hebrews 8:8. etc. But Reader! what I particularly desire you to remark with me, is, what is said of this Gospel Church in the last dispensation; that this house shall be most holy, for the Prophet expressly was commissioned to tell the Church; and twice it is repeated, that this is the law of the house. And surely everything tends to confirm the great truth, that it must be so. Our God himself is the builder, and maker of it: how can it be otherwise than holy. Jesus hath purchased it with his blood. And to be sure he must have cleansed it from all uncleanness. And as the bodies of God's children are the temple of the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in them; surely he will put away the unclean thing, and the Canaanite out of the land. See Psalms 132:13-14.

Verses 13-27

Here we have a further relation of the house, and the ordinances of it; and all with an eye to Christ; to whom all his people are priests, and ministering servants to the Church of the living God. And it is very blessed, when our long lost, wandering, and sinful souls, are brought into an heartfelt acquaintance with Christ's fulness, and our own insufficiency. Oh! how truly blessed is it to see here, as in all the other parts of God's holy word, that holiness to the Lord is in Christ, and only to be obtained in and by him. Precious Jesus! thou art the holiness of thy people: in thy light shall we see light. In Jesus's holiness we are found; and Christ is made of God to us, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; for then will be our glorying, as is most suitable it should be, in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Verse 27


READER, let not an eye be taken off this glorious vision the Prophet saw; but let us look stedfastly and steadily on Him, who came from the way of the east in the glory of God. Hear the well known voice of Jesus, as the voice of many waters. Behold, the earth shining with his glory: and then contemplate under all, the glorious person of the Lord Jesus, teaching and explaining all things, in the great events contained in this Chapter concerning himself.

Was this house a type of the Gospel Church? Do all his people whom he hath made kings and priests to God and the Father, belong to this house? Ask then your own heart, yea, let every Reader ask himself, what entrance hath been admitted to him into this holy house? Have you got boldness to enter into it by the only way in which any can enter, even by the blood of Jesus. By whom did you enter, and who was the porter that opened to your view Jesus and his glory; Jesus, and all his sufficiency; and prompted you to believe in him? What are the sanctifying impressions wrought upon your soul by this allowed entrance? Here you see your own vileness, and Jesus's glory? Are you well pleased for his righteousness sake, and do you repose in it? Are you renouncing all other holiness, and fully determined to be found in Christ's only? These enquiries, when truly answered, are sweet, and precious evidences of being entered in; and that He, whom Ezekiel saw in vision, you have seen also by faith, and are rejoicing now in hope of the glory of God! Precious Lord Jesus! do as thou hast said. Dwell now forever in the midst of thy people, and suffer them no longer to be defiled in their abominations, but be thou their God, and make them thy people; and cause them through thy grace, to separate themselves, and come out from among all the polluted around, that they may touch not the unclean things, but be truly, and in heart, made the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty! Amen.


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