Bible Commentaries
Poor Man's Commentary
Ezekiel 15
The Lord is still by His servant the Prophet preaching to Israel. He here useth similitudes. Under the figure of a vine-tree as unfit for timber, he showeth the unsuitableness of Jerusalem, in her dry and withered state, to any good.
The figure of a vine-tree is most happily chosen to describe what the Lord meant to teach the Prophet concerning Jerusalem. The vine in its flourishing state is the most luxuriant and prolific perhaps of any trees of the garden. But when that fruitfulness is interrupted or spoiled, the tender stalk is fit for nothing. In application of this figure to Jerusalem, the Lord showeth the Prophet, that while the Lord's blessing was upon Jerusalem she was the praise and glory of all lands. Jerusalem was planted as a choice vine, wholly a right seed. Jeremiah 2:21. But now the wild boar out of the wood doth root it up, what is it fit for? See the Psalmist's account, Psalms 80:8, etc. Reader! pause over this view, and remark the beauty contained in it, and observe how graciously the Lord is condescending to reason with his Church and people.
Here, as in other parts of the word of God, we find judgment following conviction. The Lord seems to expostulate, as it were, in the same language as by another Prophet: And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, between me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? Isaiah 5:3-4. Reader! it is a very solemn thing when men trifle with the Lord. Sin is sin, wherever it be found. But sill in the Church of God becomes more exceedingly sinful. The weed in the garden is more offensive than in the hedge. And when the Lord sets his face against a people, against an individual, how tremendously awful are the judgments which follow. Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone. Hosea 4:17. If the Lord ceaseth to correct, destruction is not far off.
PRECIOUS Lord Jesus! who can read this chapter, and call to mind Thy wonderful condescension in calling Thyself the vine, without connecting with it Thy people's everlasting safety in Thee. Thou, dearest Lord, wert the true vine of the Lord's right hand planting. Thou wert the branch of growth. And though, from the unequalled humbleness of Thy person, Thou didst appear nothing more than as a root out of a dry ground, as unpromising as the stalk of the vine, yet Thy branches have run over the wall. And though the archers sorely grieved Thee, and shot at Thee, yet Thy bow abode in strength, and the arms of Thine hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.
Thy Jerusalem, Thy holy city, O Lord, hath found redemption from being united to Thee. As branches in Thee Thy people flourish and bring forth fruit. Without Thee they are nothing. Oh! for grace to live wholly in Thee and upon Thee, and forever to be tasting of the precious fruit of Thy soul-strengthening grapes; yea, Lord, to drink of the fruit of the vine which Thou didst yield for Thy people, when trodden in the wine-press of the wrath of Almighty God. Lord Jesus! I would take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. I would sit under Thy shadow with great delight, for Thy fruit is sweet to my taste.