Bible Commentaries

Poor Man's Commentary

1 Chronicles 11

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1


As the preceding Chapter related to us the account of the death of Saul, this takes up the immediate part which follows in that history, in the elevation of David to the throne. The Chapter closeth with an account of the names of David's worthies.

Verses 1-9

I refer the Reader to the parallel history, 2 Samuel 5:1-10, and to the Commentary upon it in that Chapter. But in addition to the observations there, I would call upon the Reader to remark with me, what the Lord God had said to David in times past concerning this kingdom to which he was now to be advanced on the death of Saul. The Lord thy God said to thee, thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt rule over them. Reader! do you not behold David in this a type of David's Lord? Did not God the Father promise to his son, that he should both reign and feed his people? And doth not Jesus do this in the present hour? Is he not the Lamb in the midst of the throne above, leading the Church triumphant to fountains of waters, and feeding them eternally? And is he not the portion of his church militant below, in coming down into his garden to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies. Song of Solomon 6:2; Revelation 7:17.

Verses 10-14

If the Reader consults 2Sa 23, he will find the names of those worthies already registered. Their being again preserved in the record of the Chronicles, serves to show that they were highly esteemed. But Reader! think how infinitely higher the honour is, for the worthies of Jesus in his army of Apostles, and Prophets, and Martyrs, to have their name recorded in the book of life?

Verses 15-47

We know not which to admire most, the bravery of those men, or the piety of David, in the instance concerning the water of Bethlehem here recorded. With what boldness did they enter the host of the Philistines with their lives in their hands, for the assuaging David's thirst? And how truly noble the conduct of David, in refusing the gratification, when he thought upon the peril with which it was purchased. Oh, gracious Jesus! how much to be prized are thy mercies, when the price with which they were obtained is considered. Be thou to me, dear Lord, a well of water in my soul, that I thirst after nothing but thee, and salvation in thee, for in thee I have all things.

Verse 47


READER! let us pause over the view which this Chapter affords, of the exaltation of David to the throne, and see whether we do not behold in it a figure of the exaltation of Christ to the right hand of power, when he had by himself purged our sins, and when forever be sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high. Doth not your heart say to Jesus; as the men of Israel did to David, Thou shalt feed thy people, and thou shalt be Lord over them. And do you not also say so from a consciousness of the same cause, that you are of Christ's bone, and of his flesh. Oh! how doubly delightful is it, first to see Jesus reign, and next to consider our relationship in him. And wilt thou not, blessed Jesus; say to thy people as is recorded in thy words, to him that overecometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

In the contemplation of the worthies of David, I would pray for grace to become the worthy follower of the Lamb, in the regeneration, that when the Son of God shall come encircled with his holy army I may have grace, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. Lord make me the patient follower of them, who now through faith and patience inherit the promises.


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