Bible Commentaries
Lange's Commentary: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical
Introduction - Jude
The author is named as Jude, the brother of James. He probably means
the James wrote the epistle of that name and is, therefore, the Lord's
Purpose. False teachers were boldly teaching their heresies in the
meetings of the congregation. These men were also very immoral in
conduct and the epistle is written to expose their errors and to
exhort his readers to contend for the true faith and to live worthy
lives. In many points it is very similar to the second letter of
Date. It was probably written about A. D. 66. At any rate it must have
been written before A. D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed, as Jude
would hardly have failed to mention that event along with other
examples of punishment, 5-7.
Introduction, 1-4.
I. The Fate of Wicked Disturbers, 5-16.
1. God punishes the wicked, 5-7.
2. He will destroy these men, 8-16.
II. How to Contend For the Faith, 17-23.
1. Be mindful of the enemies, 17-19.
2. Be strong (built up in the faith), 20-21.
3. Maintain an evangelistic spirit, 22-23.
Conclusion, 24-25.
For Study and Discussion. (1) Make a list of all the words and phrases
occurring in threes, as mercy, love, peace, or Cain, Baalam, Korah.
(2) Make a list of all the different things taught about the evil
workers mentioned, 8-10, 12, 13. 16, 19. (3) What the apostles had
foretold concerning them.
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Introduction - Jude
The author is named as Jude, the brother of James. He probably means the James wrote the epistle of that name and is, therefore, the Lord's brother.
Purpose. False teachers were boldly teaching their heresies in the meetings of the congregation. These men were also very immoral in conduct and the epistle is written to expose their errors and to exhort his readers to contend for the true faith and to live worthy lives. In many points it is very similar to the second letter of Peter.
Date. It was probably written about A. D. 66. At any rate it must have been written before A. D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed, as Jude would hardly have failed to mention that event along with other examples of punishment, 5-7.
Introduction, 1-4.
I. The Fate of Wicked Disturbers, 5-16.
1. God punishes the wicked, 5-7.
2. He will destroy these men, 8-16.
II. How to Contend For the Faith, 17-23.
1. Be mindful of the enemies, 17-19.
2. Be strong (built up in the faith), 20-21.
3. Maintain an evangelistic spirit, 22-23.
Conclusion, 24-25.
For Study and Discussion. (1) Make a list of all the words and phrases occurring in threes, as mercy, love, peace, or Cain, Baalam, Korah. (2) Make a list of all the different things taught about the evil workers mentioned, 8-10, 12, 13. 16, 19. (3) What the apostles had foretold concerning them.