Bible Commentaries
The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann
Psalms 138
Thanksgiving for God's Salvation.
A psalm of David, in which he describes the greatness of God's benefits and assures himself and others of His continued presence and faithfulness.
v. 1. I will praise Thee with my whole heart, without reserve or hypocrisy; before the gods, the princes or mighty ones of the earth, will I sing praise unto Thee. The true God is to be exalted above all creatures, no matter how great their power and authority.
v. 2. I will worship toward Thy holy Temple, for the prayers of the faithful Jews were made with their faces toward Jerusalem and the Temple, and praise Thy name for Thy loving-kindness, the unmerited favor shown to David, and for Thy truth, in keeping His promises; for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name, literally, "for Thou hast made great above all Thy name Thy Word," that is, the promise of God, 2Sa 7:12-16, exceeded all other revelations of Himself in its greatness and in its application to the salvation of men.
v. 3. In the day when I cried, requesting strength and help for bearing his burdens, Thou answeredst me and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul, so that his whole soul was charged with a feeling of power enabling him to sustain all his trials with cheerful fortitude.
v. 4. All the kings of the earth shall praise Thee, O Lord, being influenced thereto by the experience of David, when they hear the words of Thy mouth, particularly the great Messianic promise to which David chiefly refers, which would surely be fulfilled.
v. 5. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord, setting forth the wonderful manner in which the Lord deals with those who put their trust in Him; for great is the glory of the Lord, that which He exhibits in fulfilling His purposes of redemption.
v. 6. Though the Lord be high. exalted above all creatures, yet hath He respect unto the lowly, He observes them with the intention of coming to their aid; but the proud He knoweth afar of, He is fully familiar with their ways and deserts, even though they think that they are not responsible to anyone; He will in due time show them the extent of their liability to Him.
v. 7. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, surrounded with trials and tribulations of every description, Thou wilt revive me, loosing the bands which threaten to draw him down to destruction, and filling him with new life and strength. Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, holding it back from accomplishing its purpose, and Thy right hand shall save me, giving him deliverance from all his difficulties.
v. 8. The Lord will perfect, carry to a successful completion, that which concerneth me, all that He had undertaken in delivering David from all the trials besetting him; Thy mercy, O Lord, which was the guaranty upon which David relied, endureth forever; forsake not the works of Thine own hands, letting them lie uncompleted, for they include not only all those pertaining to the person of David and the fact of his elevation to the dignity of king, but especially that by which the glorious promise of the Son of David and His work of redemption would be realized, the glorious fact upon which the faith of all believers is based. With Him on their side they are never forsaken.