Bible Commentaries
John Lightfoot's Commentary on the Gospels
Matthew 2
Verse 1
1. Now when Jesus was born in Beth-lehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king,
behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.
[Now when Jesus was born.] We thus lay down a scheme of the times when Christ
was born:
I. He was born in the year of the world 3928.
For from the creation of the world to the deluge are commonly reckoned 1656 years.
From the deluge to Abraham's promise are 427 years. This being supposed, that Abraham
was born the 130th year of Terah: which must be supposed.
From the promise given, to the going out of Egypt, 430 years, Exodus 12:40; Galatians
From the going out of Egypt to the laying the foundations of the Temple are 480 years,
1 Kings 6:1.
The Temple was building 7 years, 1 Kings 6:38.
Casting up, therefore, all these together, viz. 1656 + 427 + 430 + 480 + 7 = The sum of
years amounts to 3000.
And it is clear, the building of the Temple was finished and completed in the year of
the world 3000.
The Temple was finished in the eleventh year of Solomon, 1 Kings 6:38: and thence to
the revolting of the ten tribes, in the first year of Rehoboam, were 30 years. Therefore,
that revolt was in the year of the world 3030.
From the revolt of the ten tribes to the destruction of Jerusalem under Zedekiah were
three hundred and ninety years: which appears sufficiently from the chronical computation
of the parallel times of the kings of Judah and Israel: and which is implied by Ezekiel
4:4-6: "Thou shalt sleep upon thy left side, and shalt put the iniquities of the
house of Israel upon it, &c. according to the number of the days, three hundred and
ninety days. And when thou shalt have accomplished them, thou shalt sleep upon thy right
side the second time, and shalt take upon thee the iniquity of the house of Judah forty
days." Concerning the computation of these years, it is doubted, whether those forty
years are to be numbered together within the three hundred and ninety years, or by
themselves, as following after those three hundred and ninety years. We, not without
cause, embrace the former opinion, and suppose those forty years to be included within the
sum of three hundred and ninety; but mentioned by themselves particularly, for a
particular reason. For by the space of forty years before the destruction of the city by
the Chaldeans, did Jeremiah prophesy daily, namely, from the third year of Josias to the
sacking of the city: whom the people not hearkening to, they are marked for that peculiar
iniquity with this note.
Therefore, these three hundred and ninety years being added to the year of the world,
3030, when the ten tribes fell off from the house of David, the age of the world when
Jerusalem perished, arose to the year 3420.
At that time there remained fifty years of the Babylonian captivity to be completed.
For those remarkable seventy years took their beginning from the third year of Jehoiakim,
Daniel 1:1, whose fourth year begins the Babylonian monarchy, Jeremiah 25:1. And, in the
nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, the Temple was destroyed, 2 Kings 25:8, when now the
twentieth year of the captivity passed; and other fifty remained: which fifty being added
to the year of the world 3420, a year fatal to the Temple, the years of the world amount,
in the first year of Cyrus, unto 3470.
From the first of Cyrus to the death of Christ are seventy weeks of years, or four
hundred and ninety years, Daniel 9:24. Add these to the three thousand four hundred and
seventy, and you observe Christ crucified in the year of the world 3960. When, therefore,
you have subtracted thirty-two years and a half, wherein Christ lived upon the earth, you
will find him born in the year of the world 3928.
II. He was born in the one-and-thirtieth year of Augustus Caesar, the computation of
his monarchy beginning from the victory at Actium. Of which matter thus Dion Cassius
writes: "This their sea-fight was on the second of September: and this I speak upon
no other account (for I am not wont to do it), but because then Caesar first obtained the
whole power: so that the computation of the years of his monarchy must be precisely
reckoned from that very day." We confirm this our computation, by drawing down a
chronological table from this year of Augustus to the fifteenth year of Tiberius, when
Christ, having now completed the nine-and-twentieth year of his age, and entering just
upon his thirtieth, was baptized. Now this table, adding the consuls of every year, we
thus frame:
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1. Now when Jesus was born in Beth-lehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.
[Now when Jesus was born.] We thus lay down a scheme of the times when Christ was born:
I. He was born in the year of the world 3928.
For from the creation of the world to the deluge are commonly reckoned 1656 years.
From the deluge to Abraham's promise are 427 years. This being supposed, that Abraham was born the 130th year of Terah: which must be supposed.
From the promise given, to the going out of Egypt, 430 years, Exodus 12:40; Galatians 3:17.
From the going out of Egypt to the laying the foundations of the Temple are 480 years, 1 Kings 6:1.
The Temple was building 7 years, 1 Kings 6:38.
Casting up, therefore, all these together, viz. 1656 + 427 + 430 + 480 + 7 = The sum of years amounts to 3000.
And it is clear, the building of the Temple was finished and completed in the year of the world 3000.
The Temple was finished in the eleventh year of Solomon, 1 Kings 6:38: and thence to the revolting of the ten tribes, in the first year of Rehoboam, were 30 years. Therefore, that revolt was in the year of the world 3030.
From the revolt of the ten tribes to the destruction of Jerusalem under Zedekiah were three hundred and ninety years: which appears sufficiently from the chronical computation of the parallel times of the kings of Judah and Israel: and which is implied by Ezekiel 4:4-6: "Thou shalt sleep upon thy left side, and shalt put the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, &c. according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days. And when thou shalt have accomplished them, thou shalt sleep upon thy right side the second time, and shalt take upon thee the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days." Concerning the computation of these years, it is doubted, whether those forty years are to be numbered together within the three hundred and ninety years, or by themselves, as following after those three hundred and ninety years. We, not without cause, embrace the former opinion, and suppose those forty years to be included within the sum of three hundred and ninety; but mentioned by themselves particularly, for a particular reason. For by the space of forty years before the destruction of the city by the Chaldeans, did Jeremiah prophesy daily, namely, from the third year of Josias to the sacking of the city: whom the people not hearkening to, they are marked for that peculiar iniquity with this note.
Therefore, these three hundred and ninety years being added to the year of the world, 3030, when the ten tribes fell off from the house of David, the age of the world when Jerusalem perished, arose to the year 3420.
At that time there remained fifty years of the Babylonian captivity to be completed. For those remarkable seventy years took their beginning from the third year of Jehoiakim, Daniel 1:1, whose fourth year begins the Babylonian monarchy, Jeremiah 25:1. And, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, the Temple was destroyed, 2 Kings 25:8, when now the twentieth year of the captivity passed; and other fifty remained: which fifty being added to the year of the world 3420, a year fatal to the Temple, the years of the world amount, in the first year of Cyrus, unto 3470.
From the first of Cyrus to the death of Christ are seventy weeks of years, or four hundred and ninety years, Daniel 9:24. Add these to the three thousand four hundred and seventy, and you observe Christ crucified in the year of the world 3960. When, therefore, you have subtracted thirty-two years and a half, wherein Christ lived upon the earth, you will find him born in the year of the world 3928.
II. He was born in the one-and-thirtieth year of Augustus Caesar, the computation of his monarchy beginning from the victory at Actium. Of which matter thus Dion Cassius writes: "This their sea-fight was on the second of September: and this I speak upon no other account (for I am not wont to do it), but because then Caesar first obtained the whole power: so that the computation of the years of his monarchy must be precisely reckoned from that very day." We confirm this our computation, by drawing down a chronological table from this year of Augustus to the fifteenth year of Tiberius, when Christ, having now completed the nine-and-twentieth year of his age, and entering just upon his thirtieth, was baptized. Now this table, adding the consuls of every year, we thus frame: