Bible Commentaries
The Bible Study New Testament
Titus 1
From Paul, a servant of God. Paul often calls himself a servant of Christ. Compare 1 Corinthians 3:5 and note. I was chosen. This is his authority from God. God's chosen people. It was always God's plan to save the Gentiles (see Acts 15:14-18). Lead them to the truth. Compare 1 Timothy 2:4.
Which is based. The hope for eternal life is the basis for faith and truth. Compare 1 Timothy 1:16. Before the beginning of time. 2 Timothy 1:9. God's ACT in Christ to save us and bless us was decided even before Creation!
And at the right time. For centuries, only the Jew had the promise. But the FACT is revealed in Christ! Compare 1 Corinthians 2:7-10. This was entrusted to me. Paul's gospel was no second-hand thing! God gave it to him!!!
I write to Titus. This is to show that Titus has Paul's AUTHORIZATION. Titus was one of the evangelists (see note on Ephesians 4:11) whom Paul trained and sent out. Others were: Timothy, Trophemus, John 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Note that the church at Ephesus had church elders in less than three years time (Acts 20:17). In every town. Each congregation had its own church elders and church helpers.
Must be without fault. This means he must be one of the outstanding men of the group. Only one wife. A married man. These qualifications are examined in the notes on 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
For since be is in charge. In the early church, bishop, overseer, elder, pastor all described the same "church board" who were in charge of the local church. See notes on 1 Timothy 3:2-3.
He must be hospitable. This was especially important in these violent times, when a Christian might have to run for his life! In general, every Christian is to develop these good qualities!!!
He most hold firmly. Strong in the TRUTH, able to teach the doctrine and show the error of opponents.
Who rebel and deceive others. In a sense, only a Christian can rebel or be a hypocrite. Paul points to Christian Jews (the circumcision party) as being the most guilty of things like this. Compare Paul's Letter to the Galatians.
It is necessary. These people must be stopped, not by persecution or force, but using Truth to expose their error! This is the only safe way to handle such a matter, but it must be done in love! Of making money. Neither money itself, nor the making of money, is a sin! But God did not intend religion to be used as a money-making scheme (1 Timothy 6:3-10). These false teachers taught that the rites of the Law would forgive the sins of those who continued to sin!
It was a Cretan himself. Epimenides, writing about 500 B. C. This implies the false teachers said they were prophets. Paul quotes one of their own prophets who "tells it like it is" about the character of the people of Crete.
For this reason. A healthy faith grows out of a holy life! Titus is to sharply rebuke their rebellion and false teaching (IN LOVE) SO that they will have a healthy faith!
And no longer hold on to. Many Jewish traditions were harmless (see Acts 21:20 and note). But these Jewish legends and human commandments fooled people into rejecting God's Truth! Compare 1 Timothy 1:4; Mark 7:4; Mark 7:8; Colossians 2:16-23 and notes.
Everything is pure. Compare Peter's vision (Acts 10:9-16), and what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:12. The meaning is: "The fulfilling of bodily desires Romans 14:1): "A man's faith is weak when it is troubled over untaught and doubtful questions. . . . It was the duty of Christians to receive these persons of weak and morbid consciences, but not to the discussion of doubtful questions. It is sinful to disturb the peace and harmony of Christians over these untaught questions. The continual discussion of questions of this character will destroy the harmony and zeal of any congregation, and Paul instructs the church not to permit it." The churches should not give such false teachers a platform from which to speak. "Woe to those, who call the bad good and the good bad, who make the light darkness and the darkness light, who make the sweet bitter and the bitter sweet" (Isaiah 5:20 Zamenhof).
But their actions deny it. They boasted about God (compare Romans 2:17), but their unholy lives proved they did not know Him! See also 2 Timothy 3:1-9.