Bible Commentaries

G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible

Deuteronomy 5

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verses 1-33

Continuing the introductory part of the great discourse, Moses called on all Israel to attend to "statutes and judgments." In addition to these words, he later employed the word "testimonies." The three words occur together later (Deuteronomy 6:20). "Testimonies" are the actual words of the law given. "Statutes" are the provisions for worship and the conduct that harmonizes therewith. "Judgments" deal with the arrangements for the administration of justice.

Moses first repeated the ten words of the Decalogue. In doing this it is arresting to observe that concerning the Sabbath the ground of the appeal is no longer God's resting during creation but the people's position as redeemed from Egypt's bondage.

The discourse proceeded in solemn and stately language to recall to the memory of the people the occasion and the method of the giving of the Law. One brief declaration in this connection marked the sufficiency of the Law as given, "He added no more." On the basis of all this he urged them to "observe to do, not turn aside"; but "walk in all the way . . . that it may be well. . . ."


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