Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

Romans 16

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

The present chapter is a beautiful illustration of the lively interest which the apostle took, not in churches alone, but also in their individual members; and as naturally growing out of this, of the extent and accuracy of his knowledge concerning them. For, in writing to a church which he had never visited, he not only salutes many by name, but accurately describes the Christian service rendered by them. Herein he is an example to all Christ’s ministers.

Our sister; a member of the Christian church.

A servant of the church; employed in instructing the young, and in visiting the poor, sick, and afflicted.

Cenchrea; the eastern seaport of Corinth, whence the apostle sent the epistle, and, as is generally supposed, by the hand of this woman. True religion unites believers, not only to Christ but to one another, in a most tender and endearing union-one which is a source of rich enjoyment, which will outlive all other unions, and be growing more delightful for ever.

Verse 2

In the Lord, as becometh saints; as a Christian, and in a Christian manner.

A succorer; a helper and benefactor.

Verse 3

Helpers in Christ; assistants in spreading the gospel. Acts 18:2-3; Acts 18:18; Acts 18:26; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19.

Verse 4

Laid down their own necks; exposed their lives to great danger to save mine. Those who, from love to Christ, assist faithful ministers in their work, confer great benefits not only on them, but on the church and the world. Christians who enjoy their labors will gratefully acknowledge such benefits, and they will be acknowledged and rewarded by Christ at the great day.

Verse 5

The church-in their house; the Christians who worship there.

Epenetus; he may have been a member of the family of Stephanas. 1 Corinthians 16:15.

Verse 7

My kinsmen; natural relatives.

Fellow-prisoners; who had been imprisoned with him on account of their religion. 2 Corinthians 11:23.

Of note; persons of distinction.

In Christ; Christians. True religion does not destroy or lessen natural affection, but elevates and purifies it, and makes it the means of greatly increased usefulness and enjoyment.

Verse 9

Helper in Christ; Christian helper in promoting religion.

Verse 10

In Christ; as a Christian.

Verse 13

His mother; literally.

And mine; figuratively, by affectionate care and assistance.

Verse 16

With a holy kiss; the common sign and pledge of Christian love in those days. Christian affection is always the same in its nature, but the modes of expressing it differ at different periods and in different nations. Those modes should be observed which are commonly esteemed suitable, and which are adapted to be useful.

Verse 17

Mark; carefully notice.

Divisions and offences; dissensions and occasions of strife.

Avoid them; give them no countenance or encouragement.

Verse 18

Serve not our Lord Jesus Christ; they do not seek his honor, but their own selfish ends.

The simple; the unsuspecting and unwary.

Verse 19

Your obedience is come abroad; the report of your obedient disposition and conduct.

Wise-and simple; ready and skillful to do good, but unpractised in and opposed to doing evil. In doing good, Christians should have that wisdom and skill which result from practice, experience, and habit; but they should be wholly unskilled and inexperienced in doing evil.

Verse 20

God of peace; the divine author, promoter, and lover of peace.

Bruise Satan under your feet; give you the victory over him and his adherents; a victory begun in this world, but consummated in the glory of heaven.

Verse 21

My work-fellow; companion in labor.

Verse 22

Who wrote this epistle; Paul dictated and Tertius wrote it from his lips.

Verse 23

My host; the person at whose house Paul staid.

The chamberlain; treasurer of Corinth, the city from which Paul wrote this epistle.

Verse 24

The grace of-Christ; his spiritual favors.

Verse 25

My gospel; the gospel of Christ which Paul preached.

The mystery; the truths of the gospel, made known obscurely in the Old Testament to the Jews, were now, by the command of God, clearly revealed to Gentiles as well as Jews.

Verse 26

Made known to all nations for the obedience of faith; in order to lead them to exercise faith in Christ and be saved.

Verse 27

To God only wise; the author of all true wisdom, especially that wonderful display of it made in the gospel. As God is the author of all good, and all our mercies come through Christ, we should be disposed, for all the blessings we receive, especially for the gospel and the hope of heaven, to render to him, through Jesus Christ, glory and honor, thanksgiving and praise for ever. Amen.


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