Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

Matthew 10

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

Power; the casting out of unclean spirits is here distinguished as something distinct from the healing of any kind of disease. Christ has such infinite fulness, that he can communicate to his ministers and disciples all the gifts and qualifications which they need.

Verse 2

Apostles; messengers, persons who were sent.

Simon; when Christ first saw him, he called him in Syro-Chaldaic, Cephas-in Greek, Petros-which means, a stone; signifying, that in his future life he would be a firm and steadfast supporter of the truth.

James; this was he whom Herod slew. Acts 12:2.

Verse 3

Matthew; whom Christ called while sitting at the receipt of custom. Chap. Matthew 9:9.

James; he who wrote the epistle called by his name.

Lebbeus; called also Judas. Luke 6:16.

Verse 4

Iscariot; the man of Charioth, to which town he belonged.

Verse 5

Gentiles; those who were not Jews.

Samaritans; they occupied a country on the north of Judea, lying between Judea and Galilee, which formerly belonged to the tribe of Ephraim and the half tribe of Manasseh. After these tribes were carried captive by the king of Assyria, it was peopled to a great extent by heathen, and the religion of the Samaritans was a mixture of Judaism and paganism. 2 Kings 17:24 He appoints to his disciples the place of their labors, and though it may not be the one which, if left to ourselves, we should choose, we must learn, whatsoever place or state he chooses for us, therewith to be content.

Verse 6

Lost sheep; expressive of their wandering and dangerous condition.

The house of Israel; the Jews, descendants of Israel, and hence called Israelites. As the Jews were the covenant people of God, it was proper that the gospel should be first preached to them. The Christian dispensation, moreover, which knows no distinction between Jews and Gentiles, was not fully established till after our Lord’s ascent and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

Verse 7

Kingdom of heaven; see note to chap Matthew 3:2.

Verse 8

Freely give; as you have received miraculous powers without paying for them, exert those powers without receiving compensation.

Verse 9

We should not delay present duty in order to be better prepared to perform it. When Christ commands; we should obey, trusting in him for what we need in order to obey him and to be accepted in it.

Verse 10

Scrip; a bag for provisions.

Two coats; they were, in their first journeys among the Jews, not to provide either money or clothing, but to trust in Christ to supply them.

Staves; if a man had a staff, he might take it; if he had shoes or sandals, he might wear them. Mark 6:8-9. But they were to go without delay, and not be detained to make further provision.

Worthy of his meat; he deserves to be supported. So with you. This is a rule that holds good for all time.

Verse 11

Worthy; a man of reputation for piety and general worth, and who will be likely to receive your message.

There abide till ye go thence; abide in one and the same house till ye leave that city. This would be equally conducive to their own comfort and the convenience of those who resorted to them.

Verse 12

Salute it; they were to use all the customary forms of politeness. Courtesy in ministers of the gospel and the manifestation of good-will to all, are required by Christ, and are essential to the highest comfort and usefulness of all who proclaim his truth.

Verse 13

Be worthy; if they receive your message, the blessings you desire shall come upon them.

Not worthy; if they reject your message, blessings shall follow you, but not them.

Verse 14

Shake off; a strong expression of abhorrence of their sins, according to a custom among the Jews. Acts 13:51; Acts 18:6.

Verse 15

More tolerable; their doom shall be less dreadful. They sinned against less light, and were less guilty than those who lived in the days of Christ.

Verse 16

As sheep; defenceless, unprotected by human power.

Wolves; men disposed to assault and kill you.

Serpents; emblems of wisdom.

Doves; of innocence. Ministers of the gospel are bound to be wise as well as good; to exercise discretion as well as courage; not needlessly to exasperate even the worst of men, but meekly to instruct them.

Verse 17

Beware; be cautious, and not needlessly exasperate wicked men, nor expose yourselves to their wrath.

Councils; the judicial tribunals of the Jews. No wisdom or goodness in the discharge of duty will secure the approbation of all, or prevent some from becoming open and bitter foes.

Verse 18

Testimony; of the truths of the gospel, which would turn against them should they reject it.

Verse 19

Take no thought; be not anxious.

Verse 21

Put to death; the unbelieving members of the family will cause the believing members to be put to death for their love to Christ.

Verse 22

Endureth; continues faithful to the end of life.

Verse 23

Be come; to deliver his people and take vengeance on his foes. The primary reference of these words is to Christ’s providential coming to destroy the Jewish state and nation by the hand of the Romans. But this foreshadowed his final coming to take vengeance on all the wicked. When greatly opposed in one place, it is not always a mark of wisdom or goodness to stay there; nor is it any evidence of want of courage or fidelity sometimes to flee, even if, in order to do it, a person should, like Paul, be let down by a wall in a basket. 2 Corinthians 11:23.

Verse 24

Above his master; you must not expect that they will treat you better than they treat me.

Verse 26

No one in the path of duty should be disheartened on account of difficulties; for he will never meet with any which he will not, if he trust in Christ, be enabled either to overcome, or cheerfully and usefully to bear. Acts 5:41.

Verse 27

In darkness; privately.

On the house-tops; publicly.

Verse 28

Him; God.

Destroy-in hell; by making them miserable there for ever.

Verse 29

Your Father; he takes care of even the birds. Surely, then, he will take care of you.

Verse 32

Confess me; as his Saviour, and continue to obey me.

Him will I confess; acknowledge and treat as my friend. Men’s treatment of Christ in this world will determine his treatment of them in the world to come.

Verse 33

Deny me; desert my cause.

I deny; deny to be my friend, and treat as my enemy.

Verse 34

A sword; the effect of my doctrine and teaching will be, not to unite those who confess and those who deny me, but to divide them, even though they belong to the same family. The publication of the gospel is the occasion of developing the human heart, and leading men to show whether they are for Christ or against him. Yet the persecutions and distresses which often follow, are never the proper effects of the gospel, but always the effect of men’s opposition to it.

Verse 37-38

Father or mother-taketh not up his cross; a man must love Christ more than earthly friends, and follow Him notwithstanding all the trials to which it may expose him, or he cannot be His true disciple. Without making sacrifices, men cannot be disciples of Christ: but this should never hinder them from embracing, and steadfastly following him; for all the losses to which they may be called, even that of life itself, will be productive of their highest, their eternal good. Romans 8:18.

Verse 39

He that findeth his life shall lose it; though a man, by forsaking Christ, should preserve his life for a time, yet he would, by doing so, lose his soul. And though, by following Christ, he should lose his life, he would in this way save his soul.

Verse 40

Me-him that sent me; Christ and believers are so united, that what is done to them is considered as done to him; and he and the Father are so united, that what is done to one is done to the other. Men may at any time show kindness to Jesus Christ, by showing it, from love to him and his cause, to his disciples; and thus they may be continually enhancing their gracious and eternal reward.

Verse 41

In the name; on account of his being a prophet, from attachment to him and to his Lord.

A prophet’s-a righteous man’s reward; he shall share in the spiritual blessings which God bestows on the prophet, or on the righteous man, whom he has thus aided.

Verse 42

Little ones; disciples, even the feeblest of them.

In the name; because he is a disciple, from attachment to him and his Master; he shall receive the approbation and blessing of his Lord.


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