Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

Luke 14

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

On the sabbath-day; Jesus Christ was on a journey, and had no home. It was proper that he should take food where he was invited. He went to take such refreshment as his physical wants on that day required, and to do good to those who might be present. This affords no justification to visiting, or making dining-parties on the Sabbath.

They watched him; to see if he would not do something for which they might accuse him.

Verse 3

Answering; he replied to their thoughts by the question which he put to them.

Verse 5

We should form the habit of drawing spiritual instruction from the common occurrences of life; and in our social intercourse, as well as in our religious efforts, should endeavor to do good to our fellow-men.

Verse 5-6

Healing on the Sabbath. Matthew 12:11-12.

Verse 7

He put forth a parable; showing the importance of humility.

Verse 8

Highest room; most honorable place at the table, where the principal personages reclined.

Verse 10

Have worship; receive honor.

Verse 11

Whosoever exalteth himself; is proud, and seeks to be honored above others.

Shall be abased; by God.

He that humbleth himself; who is humble, and shows it in his conduct.

Shall be exalted; honored; raised to higher dignity and influence. Proverbs 16:18-19; Matthew 5:3; Matthew 11:29; Matthew 18:4; Matthew 23:12; James 4:6. This proverb is abundantly illustrated in God’s dealings with men in this world, but will have its highest fulfilment in the world to come. The indulgence and display of pride indicate great wickedness of heart, and are sure precursors of coming abasement; while the cultivation and manifestation of humility are evidences of greatness, and harbingers of coming glory.

Verse 13

Call the poor; do good to the needy who cannot reward you.

Verse 14

The resurrection of the just; when God shall reward those who for his sake have done good, without the hope of any earthly recompense. Genuine benevolence will lead those who have it to do good for goodness’ sake, rather than for any expected reward; and the less the recompense which it receives in this world, the greater may be its gracious reward in the world to come.

Verse 15

Eat bread in the kingdom of God; enjoy its blessings. See Matthew 3:2.

Verse 16

A great supper; representing the rich and abundant provisions of the gospel.

Verse 17

To them that were bidden; to them that were regularly invited. These represent here the Jews, to whom the gospel was first offered, especially the scribes and Pharisees.

Come, for all things are now ready; the invitation to those who hear the gospel to partake of its blessings. Jesus Christ has provided, and freely offers, the richest and most abundant blessings. All excuses which men make for not accepting them are vain and wicked.

Verse 18

To make excuse; showing the unwillingness of men to accept the offers of salvation.

I must needs; literally, I have a necessity. This shows the manner in which necessity is sometimes used in the Bible to express a strong desire.

Verse 20

I cannot come; that is, he did not wish to come. He chose not to do it.

Verse 21

Angry; because those who were bidden slighted his invitation by neglecting his feast for totally inadequate reasons.

Streets and lanes of the city; the dwelling-places of the poor and disabled, who here represent the publicans and sinners.

Verse 22

Yet there is room; however many may partake of the blessings of salvation, there are enough for all others; and all to whom the gospel is preached, are urged to partake of them.

Verse 23

The highways and hedges; lying without the city, by which is signified the calling of the Gentiles.

Compel them; not by force, but by persuasion, by earnest, persevering entreaty.

Verse 24

None of those men-taste of my supper; a solemn announcement of the coming rejection of the Jews as a nation for their unbelief. But the words apply in all their force to the multitudes now in Christian lands who despise and neglect the gospel, while converts from among the heathen nations are multiplied. God is angry with men who will not accept of his salvation, and be for ever happy; and when for ever miserable, they will see that no part of the blame attaches to him, but that it all belongs to them.

Verse 25

Great multitudes with him; without any suitable apprehension of the self-denial which his service would require of them.

Verse 26

Hate not; if he be not willing for my sake to leave father and mother. Matthew 10:37.

Verse 28

A tower; a high building, erected for observation and defence.

Verse 32

Ambassage; persons sent from one government to another, to represent the interests of their country. The point of this and the preceding comparison is, that they who undertake Christ’s service should count the cost beforehand.

Verse 33

Forsaketh not all; all that stands in the way of duty-all that would hinder a man from doing the known will of God.

Verse 34

Salt is good; to season provisions, and perserve them from putrefaction. In the present connection, salt means divine grace manifested in a spirit of self-denial for Christ’s sake. this brings salvation to its possessor and to others.

If the salt have lost his savor; its saltness; if holy self-denial has given place to worldliness and self-indulgence.

Seasoned? its saltness be restored.

Verse 35

For the land-the dunghill; for being sown to fertilize the soil, nor for being mingled with the dunghill. So a professed follower of Christ, who has lost His spirit, is of no value to the church here, and has no fitness for admission to heaven hereafter. Let all worldly-minded disciples hear this.


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