Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

Acts 20

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 4

Asia; Asia Minor, or proconsular Asia. Chap Acts 19:10.s The persons here mentioned were Christian brethren.

Verse 5

For us; this language shows that Luke, the author of this book, was one of the company.

Troas; chap Acts 16:8.

Verse 6

Unleavened bread; the passover.

Verse 7

First day of the week; the Lord’s day, or Christian Sabbath.

To break bread; celebrate the Lord’s supper. The first day of the week was observed by the apostles and those who were under the special guidance of the Holy Ghost, as the Lord’s day or the Christian Sabbath, a day for hearing the gospel and public worship. It has been so observed by pious men and by the church of God in all subsequent ages, and it will continue to be so observed to the end of time.

Verse 13

Assos; a maritime city near Troas, on the Aegean sea.

Verse 14

Mitylene; the capital of the island of Lesbos.

Verse 15

Chios; an island in the Aegean sea, now called Scio.

Samos; an island near the province of Lydia.

Trogyllium; a town on the coast opposite Samos.

Miletus; a maritime town south of Ephesus.

Verse 16

Sail by Ephesus; pass it without stopping.

Verse 17

The elders of the church; pastors and teachers. It has ever been the will of God that Christian churches should be supplied with pastors, who should preach to them the gospel, set them holy examples, superintend their religious concerns, and devote themselves to the promotion of their spiritual good. It has also ever been the will of God, that some of his ministers should be evangelists or missionaries; should visit and gather churches among the destitute in Christian and Pagan lands, and do what they can to preach the gospel to every creature.

Verse 20

Kept back nothing; refrained from teaching no doctrines or duties that would benefit the people.

Verse 22

Bound in the Spirit; influenced by the Holy Ghost and a strong conviction of duty.

Verse 26

Pure from the blood; am not guilty, through unfaithfulness, of the destruction of any. Ministers, to be free from the guilt of being accessory to the ruin of men, must declare to them, as far as they understand it, the divine will; and especially must they show them the author, nature, necessity, and evidences of repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and set before them the motives which God has revealed, and which are suited to lead them to exercise these spiritual graces; and in doing this, they must depend upon and earnestly seek the influences of the Holy Ghost.

Verse 28

Overseers; in the original, bishops, who in verse Acts 20:17 are called elders, and who had the oversight of the church.

God; Jesus Christ.

Verse 29

Grievous wolves; teachers of false and destructive doctrines.

The flock; the church of God.

Verse 31

Warn every one; of their danger, and point out the way to escape it.

Verse 34

Ministered unto my necessities; wrought for the supply of my wants.

Verse 35

Support the weak; supply the wants of the feeble and destitute.

The words of the Lord Jesus; a saying of our Lord not recorded in the gospels, though the truth which it contains was taught abundantly by Jesus Christ on many occasions.

More blessed to give than to receive; to be instrumental in communicating blessings, than in merely receiving them. If a minister of the gospel is not supported by others, it is no dishonor and no dereliction of duty for him to labor, working with his own hands, that he may supply his necessities; and in proportion as he resembles his Lord, he will find that the excellence, usefulness, and happiness of communicating blessings are greater than of merely receiving them. The soul is so made, that if it would be good, it must do good; and if it would be happy, it must delight in making others happy.


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