Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

2 Corinthians 1

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 4

The afflictions and consolations of faithful ministers are designed to prepare them for giving instruction and comfort to the afflicted.

Verse 5

The sufferings of Christ; sufferings like those of Christ, or endured in Christ’s cause. All Christ’s disciples, each in his own measure, must first suffer with Christ, that they may afterwards be partakers of his glory. Romans 8:17; 2 Timothy 2:12.

Verse 6

It is for your consolation and salvation; our affliction is endured in behalf of you, as of all the churches, and redounds to your comfort and salvation.

Which is effectual; which salvation of yours-including also the consolation accompanying it-is effectual; that is, active and efficacious. It has a vigorous life and growth in your souls, and exerts its power in them more and more.

In the enduring-we also suffer; no while you simply look on and see us suffer in your behalf, but while you share with us the same sufferings.

Verse 7

The consolation; which Christ gives to those who suffer for his sake. Great sufferings are usually accompanied by great consolations, and increase both our present and our eternal good.

Verse 8

Pressed out of measure; exceedingly distressed.

Verse 9

Sentence of death; were cut off from all human means of help, and doomed apparently to immediate death.

Verse 10

From so great a death; of the particular kind of death to which the apostle was exposed we have no certain knowledge. We only know from the present verse that it was very terrible.

Verse 11

The gift; the deliverance just referred to.

By the means of many persons; by means of their intercessory prayers for the apostle and his helpers, which God heard and answered.

By many; the many who have prayed for the gift. As Christians may by prayer greatly assist absent friends and bring an increased revenue of glory to God, they should pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watch thereunto with all perseverance. Ephesians 6:18.

Verse 12

In simplicity; with a single view to the glory of God and the good of men.

Fleshly wisdom; worldly, selfish, underhanded policy.

Had our conversation; conducted ourselves in all things; according to the old meaning of the word conversation, that is, deportment, manner of life.

To you-ward; in whose case there has been especial occasion for circumspection.

Verse 13

Than what ye read; the opponents of Paul in Corinth had probably accused him of insincerity in his former epistle. He assures them that he has no hidden end, but that what they read is precisely what he means.

Or acknowledge; that is, recognize and know to be true from your own personal acquaintance with me: as much as to say, What I write agrees with what you already know of me.

Shall acknowledge even to the end; by finding me to be a person who does not change.

Verse 14

In part; he makes this limitation because there were some in Corinth who did not acknowledge his worth and authority as an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Verse 15

In this confidence; that we are your rejoicing, and ye ours, as verse 2 Corinthians 1:14.

To come unto you before; before visiting Macedonia, whence he wrote to them this letter; namely, by calling on the Corinthians on his was thither, verse 2 Corinthians 1:16.

A second benefit; the words probably mean, the benefit of a second visit from me when I should return to you from Macedonia, as stated in the following verse.

Verse 17

Use lightness; was he fickleminded, as some charged him, because he did not fulfill his purpose of visiting them on his way to Macedonia? According to the flesh; as insincere, selfish, and worldly men do, changing their plans and promises to suit their own convenience.

Verse 18

Our word; or, as the margin, our preaching; for the apostle adduces the steadfastness and consistency of his preaching as the great proof of his general steadfastness.

Was not yea and nay; was not now yes, and now no. Like Christ, its author, it was not a changeable, but a steadfast doctrine. We may, for good reasons, change our intentions and plans; but all men, especially ministers of the gospel, should be on their guard against every thing like fickleness of purpose or worldly policy.

Verse 19

Silvanus; the same as Silas, Acts 15:22.

In him was yea; all the promises made in him were only yea-steadfast and sure, as is asserted in the following verse. It is implied that Paul, the preacher of such a Saviour, was steadfast also.

Verse 20

By us; through our preaching.

Verse 21

Hath anointed us; us Christians, by his Holy Spirit. 1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27.

Verse 22

Sealed us; marked as his own. The agent of this sealing is the Holy Spirit, as immediately stated.

The earnest of the Spirit in our hearts; the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts, and giving us a foretaste of the joys of heaven, which is the pledge of our full introduction to them. The possession and exercise of the graces of the Spirit are sure evidences of regeneration, and pledges of eternal life.

Verse 23

I call God; to witness the truth of what he said.

To spare you; to save them from that painful discipline which he might have found necessary, had he visited them in their disorderly state.

Verse 24

Not for that we have dominion over your faith; as much as to say, Do not understand the words I have just written as meaning that we set ourselves up to be lords over your faith, and delight to exercise severity towards you. He intimates that he would not exercise apostolical and inspired authority in punishing their offences, if he could consistently avoid it; but would seek to promote their joy in leading them, by kind persuasion, to correct their errors and return to their duty.

By faith ye stand; as much as to say, not by our exercising dominion over you, but by your own free faith in Christ.


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