Bible Commentaries

Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament

1 Timothy 6

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

Under the yoke; the yoke of servitude or bondage.

Count their own masters worthy; manifest towards them a respectful, kind, forgiving, benevolent, Christian spirit.

That the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed; that the wicked may not be led to speak against the Christian religion.

Verse 2

Believing masters; Christians.

Not despise them; not withhold from them the manifestation of a respectful, obedient, Christian spirit, because they are brethren in Christ.

Rather do them service; promote their interests the more cheerfully. Galatians 6:10.

Faithful; or, as the margin, believing, as the same word is rendered in the beginning of the verse.

Beloved; of God.

Partakers of the benefit; sharers with you in the benefit of the grace of the gospel. But we may better render, sharers with you in well-doing, or helpers with you in well-doing; that is, well-doing towards each other and all men. From such masters, therefore, servants have a right to expect the same kind, benevolent, forgiving, Christian spirit which is required of themselves. Ephesians 6:9. That they will forbear to threaten them with evil, and as they learn what their rights are, will respect them and render to them what is just and equal, Colossians 4:1; knowing that this is required of them by their Master in heaven. Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31. Ministers are bound to teach, that Christians in bondage, when wrongfully treated, whether in accordance with or in opposition to human laws, should possess and manifest the humble, patient, peaceful, forgiving, and obedient spirit of Christ, whether those who hold them in bondage are Christians or heathen; that they may thus show the excellence of Christ’s religion, and if possible, lead all to embrace it. Romans 12:21.

Verse 3

Teach otherwise; differently from what Paul had taught as to the duty of Christian servants.

The words of our Lord Jesus Christ; about the manifestation of a Christian spirit in all relations and conditions. Matthew 5:39; Matthew 6:12-15; Matthew 18:21-35.

According to godliness; that which accords with the word of God, and tends to promote his cause.

Verse 5

Supposing that gain is godliness; rather, that godliness is gain: in other words, that the profession of godliness is a business of worldly gain. Compare the case of Simon the sorcerer, Acts 8:18-24; what is said of the false teachers at Corinth, 2 Corinthians 11:20; and of these very "men of corrupt minds." 2 Timothy 3:5-6. The idea that it is always right to pursue the course in which we can make the most money, or possess the greatest influence, even though human laws do not forbid but require it, is a great error. The law of God is above human laws. By it human laws and their authors, those who obey, and those who disobey, are all to be tried, and approved or condemned.

Verse 6

Godliness-is great gain; the apostle, by a beautiful turn of thought, shows in what sense the proposition is true that godliness is gain. Not the outward form of godliness, but its inward substance with contentment is great gain-gain not of a worldly, but of a spiritual nature. It has the "promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." Chap 1 Timothy 4:8. Supreme regard to God, grateful obedience to his commands, cheerful submission to his dealings, and contentment with the allotments of his providence, will, through grace, gain all needed good in life, in death, and for ever.

Verse 7

For we brought nothing; a reason why we should have the contentment just spoken of. Riches, if we have them, are but a fleeting possession.

Verse 9

Will be; are resolved and determined to be rich. Another argument against the love of money, drawn from its hurtful nature.

Fall into temptation; temptation to be dishonest, or so absorbed with earthly cares as to neglect their souls.

A snare; one that Satan has set to catch their souls, by leading them to indulge the lusts of the eye, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life, till they sink into perdition.

Verse 10

The root of all evil; it tempts to the commission of all sorts of evil.

Some; who professed to be Christians.

Erred from the faith; wandered away from the faith of the gospel; with the accessory idea of their falling into sinful practices.

Verse 11

Flee these things; the love of money, with all its accompanying temptations and sins; never love money, nor be anxious to be rich. One of the most hateful and destructive sins is the supreme love of money, or of that ease, power, and influence which money will procure. A Christian should avoid this sin as he would the snare of the devil or the door of hell.

Verse 12

Fight the good fight of faith; the Christian life is here, as often elsewhere, compared to a warfare against sin and Satan. Ephesians 6:11-17; 2 Timothy 2:3.

Lay hold on eternal life; as on a prize to be obtained by hard struggling.

Whereunto; to the gaining of which prize.

Called; by the grace of God through the gospel.

Hast professed a good profession; or, confessed a good confession; in the widest sense, including not only his confession of Christ at his baptism and ordination, but also especially in times of persecution. See the following verse.

Verse 13

Witnessed a good confession; he bore his testimony to the truth concerning his person and mission in the face of death. The same steadfast confession he required of Timothy, and requires of all his followers.

Verse 14

Commandment; the whole charge contained in this epistle.

Without spot, unrebukable; the commandment is kept without spot, unrebukable, when it is not marred by an imperfect obedience deserving of censure.

Verse 15

In his times, in due time; the proper time.

He shall show; God shall make manifest, to whom alone belongs the ordering of the times and seasons. Acts 1:7.

Verse 16

Immortality; in and of himself; life underived, independent, and eternal.

Verse 19

A good foundation; for receiving the everlasting reward of grace in heaven. For this is given only to those who have shown their faith in Christ by being rich in good works towards man. Matthew 25:34-45. Riches are the gift of God, and call for unceasing gratitude to him. They may be, and when rightly used, will be, the means of great and lasting good. Let rich men, as faithful stewards, from love to God, use their riches in promoting his glory and the benefit of their fellow-men, especially in making known his salvation to all people; and when called to leave the riches of earth, they will have the riches of heaven.

Verse 20

That which is committed to thy trust; the same as the "commandment," verse 1 Timothy 6:14.

Oppositions; contentions and contradictions springing from science falsely so called; that is, spurious knowledge that exists only in name; that empty knowledge which puffeth up. 1 Corinthians 8:1. The apostle apparently alludes to those who explained away the vital truths of the gospel under pretence of imparting a deeper knowledge of them.


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