Bible Commentaries

James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary

2 Chronicles 16

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 9


‘The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.’

2 Chronicles 16:9

I. Notice, first, God’s continued inspection of all that passes on this earth.—We may affirm it as evident that nothing can happen on any spot of the peopled immensity which is not known to Him Who is emphatically the Omniscient. God is the First Cause, and on the first all secondary causes depend.

II. All the motions of Providence have for their ultimate end the good of those whose heart is perfect towards God.—(1) If God sent His own Son to deliver man from the consequences of transgression and to extirpate evil from the universe, we cannot doubt that the objects which engaged so stupendous an interposition must still be those to whose furtherance the Divine dealings tend. (2) It is not only in reference to the Church at large that we are warranted in thus speaking of God’s Providence. Of each member in this Church we may declare that God watches sedulously over him.

—Canon Melvill.


‘Hanani referred to the story of the past; and, indeed, it is full of deep and solemn interest to us all. Let us not forsake the sacred policy of faith, which has brought God into our lives in so many difficult and anxious days. What He has done He is prepared to do. In Him is no variableness. Let us see to it that our heart is ever perfect towards Him; then He will prove Himself strong on our behalf. To be perfect is to refuse to harbour evil or mistrust; and to keep the whole nature open to God. His eyes miss no single soul that is right with Him. His eyes discover and His hand brings help. However lonely and obscure your life, and however weak your arm, if God is with you huge hosts vanish.’


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