Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Revelation 20

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

saw. App-133.

come = coming.

from. App-104.

heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

in = upon. Greek. epi.

Verse 2

laid hold on. Greek. krateo. Compare App-172.

on = of.

dragon. See Revelation 12:3.

that = the.

Satan. The texts add "the". See App-19.

thousand years. i.e. the millennium.

Verse 3

him. Greek."it" (the pit).

set, &c. Literally sealed it over him.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

should, &c. = should not (App-105) deceive (App-128).

more = longer.

fulfilled. Compare App-125.

and. Omit.

after that. Greek. meta tauta, as Revelation 1:19 (hereafter).

season = time. Greek. chronos. App-195. Satan is literal; the angel who binds him is literal; the abyss into which he is cast is literal; and the chain, whatever it may be composed of, is literal too.

Verse 4

they. i.e. the Father and Christ (Revelation 3:21), and the heavenly beings associated with them as assessors (Revelation 1:4; and compare Matthew 25:31. 1 Timothy 5:21).

upon. App-104.

judgment. App-177.

was given. i.e. not judging or ruling authority, but sentence, or pronouncement, or award in their favour.

unto = for. No preposition. Dative case.

them. i.e. those who had been beheaded.

and = even.

I saw. Omit.

souls. App-110. Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Part). App-6.

were = had been.

witness = testimony. See Revelation 19:10 and p. 1511.

Jesus. App-98.

word. App-121.

which = whosoever. Greek. hoitines, as Matthew 5:39, Matthew 5:41.

had, &c. = did not (App-105) worship (App-137)

neither. Greek. oude.

neither . . . received = and received (See Revelation 13:16) not (App-105).

his = the.

or in = and upon(as above).

hands = hand.

lived. i.e. lived again. App-170.

Christ. App-98. The resurrection of these not mentioned but necessarily implied.

Verse 5

But. The texts omit.

the rest, &c. The texts read "the rest of the dead lived not until (i.e. again until)", which presumes that "the rest of the dead" are not living during the thousand years.

the rest. App-124. Occurs: Romans 11:7. 1 Corinthians 15:37 (other). 1 Thessalonians 4:13 (others); &c.

the dead. App-139.

were = should be.

finished. See "fulfilled", Revelation 20:3.

is. No verb.

resurrection. App-178.

Verse 6

Blessed. Greek. makarios. Forty-eighth occurances in N.T.

in. App-104.

on such = over (App-104.) these.

power. App-172.

priests. See Revelation 1:6.

a. Some texts read "the". The "first resurrection" is the former of the two resurrections referred to in this passage. It is the antithesis of the resurrection implied though not specifically mentioned in Revelation 20:12. This is the resurrection which was both the subject of revelation and the hope of Israel. Compare the antithesis in Daniel 12:2. John 6:29. Acts 24:15. This "first resurrection" should not be confused with 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 (see notes there and on Philippians 1:3, Philippians 1:11).

Verse 7

expired. See "fulfilled", Revelation 20:3.

out of. App-104.

Verse 8

quarters. As Revelation 7:1 (corners).

earth. App-129.4.

Gog and Magog. Here, apparently an inclusive term for all the Gentile nations; East (Gog) and West (Magog). The destruction of Gog and Magog, Eze 39, is pre-millennial. See Revelation 39:25.

battle = the war. The texts add the article. Reference to the war predicted and determined.

number. Greek. arithmos. One of the ten (App-10and App-197.) occurances in Rev.

as the sand, &c. Greek. Paroemia. App-6. Compare Hebrews 11:12.

Verse 9

earth. App-129. Compare Isaiah 8:8 and Habakkuk 1:6.

saints. See Daniel 7:18, Daniel 7:27. Acts 9:13.

beloved. App-135.

devoured. As Revelation 12:4.

Verse 10

lake, &c. See Revelation 19:20.

where. The texts add "also".

beast, false prophet. See Revelation 19:20.

are. No verb. Read "were", or "were cast".

and. Add "they".

tormented. Last of five occurances in Rev. Compare Revelation 9:5.

for ever, &c. App-151. a.

Verse 11

great. That in Revelation 4:2-6 was seen by John in heaven; this on earth.

white. Indicating holiness and righteousness. No adjuncts mentioned. Only one throne and one Judge.

Verse 12

the dead. Those of Revelation 20:5. See App-139.

small, &c. Read "the great and the small".

stand = standing.

God. The texts read "the throne".

the. Omit.

life. App-170.

judged. App-122.

those = the.

Verse 13

hell = the grave. See Revelation 1:18; Revelation 6:8 and App-131.

every man = each one.

Verse 14

death. The texts add "the lake of fire".

Verse 15

whosoever = if (App-118. a) any one (App-123.), Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton (App-6) verses: Revelation 20:9-18.


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