Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

John 8

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

Jesus = But Jesus. Connecting John 8:1 with John 7:63. See App-98.

unto. Greek. eis. App-104.

Verse 2

early in the morning = at dawn.

into = unto, as in John 8:1.

temple. Greek. hieron. See note on Matthew 23:16.

people. Greek. laos. In John's Gospel only here, John 11:50; John 18:14. Not ochlos, or plethos.

unto. Greek. pros. App-104.

sat down . . . and = having sat down.

taught = was teaching.

Verse 3

Pharisees. See App-120.

brought = bring.

taken = having been taken. in. Greek. en. App-104,

Verse 4

Master =

Teacher. App-98. John 8:1.

in the very act. Greek. ep" (App-104.) autophoro. Autophoros means self-detected.

Verse 5

Moses. See note on John 1:17.

commanded . . . stoned. This law referred only to a "betrothed damsel "(Deuteronomy 22:24); and to show that the Lord knew their thoughts, and knew also that this was another man's "wife". He complied with the law prescribed in "such" a case (Numbers 5:11-31), and stooped down and wrote the curses (as required in John 8:23) on the ground.

but = therefore.

Verse 6

tempting = testing. The temptation was in the word "such", and of two cases they mention the punishment without defining what it was: for the one in Deuteronomy 22:23, Deuteronomy 22:24 (a virgin) the death was stoning; but in the case of a "wife" the punishment was not stoning, but required a special procedure (Numbers 5:11-31, which left the punishment with God.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

on, &o. = into (Greek eis. App-104.) [the dust of] the earth (App-129.).

Verse 7

asking. App-134.,

lifted up. Greek. anakupto. Only here, John 8:10. Luke 13:11; Luke 21:28.

without sin = sinless. Greek. anamartetos. Compare App-128. Occ, nowhere else in the N.T.

a stone = the stone, i.e. the heavy stone for execution. Compare John 8:69.

at = upon. Greek. epi. App-104.

Verse 8

wrote. The curses, as before.

Verse 9

convicted, &c. By the manifestation of the Lord's knowledge of what was in their hearts and of what they were concealing for the purpose of tempting Him. Greek. elencho. Same word as in John 8:46; John 5:20; John 16:8.

by. Greek. hupo. App-104.

at = from. Greek. apo. App-104.

eldest = elders.

unto = as far as.

Verse 10

saw. App-133.

none. Greek. medeis.

but = except. Greek. plen,

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

condemned. App-122.

Verse 11

Lord. See App-98. B. a.

thee. He does not say "thy sin". He speaks judicially.

sin. App-128.

Verse 12

Then = Therefore.

again. This section has no necessary connection with John 7:62, but refers to a subsequent occasion in "the Treasury" (John 8:20).

I am. See note on John 6:35,

light. Greek. phos (App-130.) Not luchnos as in John 5:36 (App-130.) One of the characteristic words of this Gospel. See note on John 1:4.

world. App-129. See note on John 1:9. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of the Subject), App-6, for its inhabitants without distinction, implying others than Jews.

not = in no wise. Greek. ou me. App-105.

shall have = not merely see it, but possess it.

life = the life. App-170. See note on John 1:4.

Verse 13

bearest record. See note on John 1:32.

of = concerning. Greek. peri. App-104.

record. See note on John 1:19.

not. Greek. ou (App-105).

true. Greek. alethes. See App-176 and note on John 3:33.

Verse 14

answered and said. See App-122 and note on Deuteronomy 1:41.

Though = Even if. App-118.

know. Greek. oida. App-132. See note on John 1:26.

cannot tell = know (Greek. oida) not (App-105).

and. All the texts read "or".

Verse 15

judge. See App-122and note on John 5:22.

after = according to. Greek. kata. App-104.

flesh. See note on John 1:13.

Verse 16

if. Assuming the condition. App-118.

judgment. App-177.

the Father. See note on John 1:14.

sent. See App-174and note on John 1:22.

Verse 17

It is . . . written = It has been (and standeth) written.

also . . . law = law also, your law.

your your own. Greek. humeteros. Emphatic Compare John 7:49.

testimony. Gr, marturia. See note on "record", John 8:13.

two. See Deuteronomy 19:16.

Verse 18

bear witness. Same as "bear record" in John 8:13. See note on John 1:7.

Verse 19

neither . . . nor. Greek. oute, compound of ou. App-105.

My Father. See note on John 2:16.

if. A true hypothesis. App-118.

should = would.

Verse 20

words. Greek. rhema. See note on Mark 9:32.

the treasury. A part of the Temple, in the court of the women. Occurs in Mark 12:41, Mark 12:43. Luke 21:1, and John only here.

as He taught = teaching.

laid hands = arrested. See John 7:30, John 7:32, John 7:44.

not yet come. See note on John 7:6.

Verse 21

go My way = withdraw Myself.

shall = will.

sins = sin. See App-128. The sin of rejecting Him.

cannot = are not (Greek. ou) able to.

Verse 22

Jews. See note on John 1:19,

"Will He kill Himself? = Surely He will not (Greek. met) kill Himself?

Verse 23

ye are from beneath; i.e. of the earth. See 1 Corinthians 15:47. The phrase occurs only in this Gospel.

from = out from. Greek. ek. App-104. Compare John 1:46.

from above. Greek ek ton ano (plural) = the heavens. See John 3:13, John 3:31; John 6:33, John 6:38, John 6:42. Colossians 3:1

of. Gr ek, as above.

Verse 24

believe. See note on John 1:7, and App-150.

I am He = I am. There is no "He "in the Greek See note on John 6:35.

sins. Plural here. See John 8:21.

Verse 25

Even the same that . . . beginning = He Whom I say also to you at the beginning [of this colloquy, verses: John 8:12-20]. Compare Septuagint, Genesis 43:18, Genesis 43:20 = at the beginning [of our coming down] = at the first.

from the beginning. There is no "from" in the Gr See note on John 8:44.

Verse 26

speak. Greek. lego. All the texts read "say". Greek laleo.

to = unto. Greek. eis. App-104.

of = from [beside]. Greek. para. App-104.

Verse 27

understood not = did not get to know. App-132. See note on John 1:10.

spake = was speaking. Not "saying", as in John 8:26.

Father. See note on John 1:14.

Verse 28

When . . . then. Revealing that, after that, men would believe in the truth of His Deity,

have = may, or shall have,

lifted up. Compare John 3:14; John 12:34.

Son of man. App-98.

know. App-132. , as in John 8:27. I do, &c. Note the complex Ellipsis (App-6) = "Of Myself I do nothing [nor speak); but according as the Father taught Me, these things I speak [and do them]".

nothing. Greek ouden.

of = from. Greek. apo. App-101.

hath taught = taught.

I speak, &c. See note on "My doctrine", John 7:16.

Verse 29

with. Greek. meta. App-104.

alone. Compare John 8:16.

I do always, &c. = I do the things pleasing to Him always. The last word in the sentence in the Greek emphasized by the Figure of speech Hyperbaton (App-6).

Verse 30

words = things. believed on. See note on John 1:7, and App-150. Compare John 8:31.

Verse 31

said = spake, as in John 8:27, John 8:28.

to. Greek pros, App-104.

believed on = had believed. App-160. Thus distinguishing these Jews from the true believers of John 8:30. Note the emphatic word "ye" in next clause.

continue = abide. See note on John 1:32.

My word = the word which is Mine. Greek. logos. See note on Mark 9:32.

are ye = ye are.

indeed = truly. Greek. alethos, See note on John 1:47.

Trusting in Him, not merely admitting His claims.

Verse 32

truth. See note on John 1:14,

make = set.

Verse 33

were never. any man, &c. Have been in bondage to no one (App-105) at any time. Thus ignoring all historical facts. These were "the Jews" who believed in John 8:31, and thus proved themselves not "believers indeed".

Verse 34

Verily, verily. Called forth by this manifest misrepresentation of the truth. The twelfth occurance. See John 1:51.

Whosoever = Every one who.

committeth = doeth or practiseth.

sin. Not a single act, but a life of sin itself. Same as "sin "in John 8:21.

the servant = a bondservant.

Verse 35

abideth. See note on John 1:32.

for ever. See App-151. a, He may be sold or manumitted.

the Son. Greek huios. App-108. Never used of believers in this Gospel. This word is reserved for Christ only. See note 2, p. 1511.

ever = for ever, as above.

Verse 36

ye shall be free indeed = ye will be really free. indeed. Greek. ontos. Not the same word as in John 8:31. Compare 1 Timothy 6:19, Revised Version.

Verse 37

hath no place = findeth no entrance. Compare Thess. John 2:13.

no = not. Greek. ou. App-105.

Verse 38

have seen. Greek. horao. App-133.

with. Greek. para. App-104.

ye have seen. All the texts read = ye have heard. But not the Syriac. See App-94. note 8, p. 136.

Verse 39

children. Greek. Plural of teknon. App-108. See note 2.

works. See note on John 4:34.

Verse 40

a Man. Greek. anthropos. App-123. Used by the Lord of Himself only here, and in contrast with the "manslayer "of John 8:44.

God. App-98.

Verse 41

do = are doing.

deeds = works, as in John 8:39.

be not born = have not been begotten (see Matthew 1:2).

Verse 42

love. Greek agapao. App-136.

came = am here.

neither = not even. Greek. oude.

came I = am I come.

sent. Greek. apostello. App-174.

Verse 43

understand = get to know. App-132.

speech. Referring to the form of the discourse.

hear. Hebrew idiom = understand, receive, or believe, as in John 9:27; John 10:3; John 12:47. Acts 3:22-23. Galatians 1:4, Galatians 1:21.

word. Denoting the subject of the discourse.

Verse 44

devil. Greek. diabolos. Thrice in this Gospel: here, John 6:70; John 13:2. Not the same word as in verses: John 8:48, John 8:49.

lusts = strong desires of all kinds. Compare Mark 4:10. The only occurance of epithumia in John's Gospel. Occurs in 1 John 2:16, 1 John 2:17, and Revelation 18:14.

will do = will (App-102.) to do (two verbs).

murderer = manslayer. Occurs only here and in 1 John 3:15. Because death came through him. Compare Hebrews 2:14.

from the beginning. Greek. ap" archies. The expression occurs twenty-one times, and the dependent noun must be supplied. In Matthew 19:4, Matthew 19:8; Matthew 24:21. Mark 10:6; Mark 13:19. 2 Peter 3:4, we must supply "from the beginning [of the creation]". Here we must supply "[of the human race]". In Luke 1:2, John 15:27. 1 John 1:1 we must supply "[of the Lord's ministry]". In Acts 26:4, supply "[of my public life]". 1 John 2:7; 1 John 2:7 (all the texts, with Syriac, omit), 13, 14, 24, 24; 1 John 3:11 [or John 3:11?]; 2John [Chapters?] 5, 6 supply "[of your hearing ]".

abode not = stood not. His fall must have taken place before Genesis 3:1. Probably in "the world that then was "(Genesis 1:1. 2 Peter 3:6).

a = the. Compare 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

his own. Compare John 15:19.

Verse 45

And = But

tell you = speak.

believe Me. App-150. See note on John 1:7.

Verse 46

convinceth = convicteth. Compare John 8:9; John 3:20; John 16:8 ("reprove").

Verse 47

He that, &c. Note the Introversion in the structure of John 8:47,

words = sayings. Greek. rhema. See note on Mark 9:32.

Verse 48

devil = demon. Greek daimonion. Compare John 7:20.

Verse 49

honour. Compare John 5:23.

Verse 50

glory. See note on John 1:14.

Verse 51

keep. Greek. area, implying watching rather than guarding. See notes on John 17:12.

saying = word. Greek. logos. See note on Mark 9:32.

never see death = by no means (Greek. ou me. App-105) see (App-133) death for ever (Greek. eis ton aiona. App-151): i.e. eternal death, because he will have part in the "resurrection unto life" as declared by the Lord in John 11:25. See notes there.

see death. The expression Occurs only here in N.T.

Verse 52

is dead = died.

taste of death. They altered the Lord's words. Not an O.T. term. Occurs five times: here; Matthew 16:28. Mark 9:1. Luke 9:27. Hebrews 2:9.

Verse 54

honour = glorify. Greek doxazo. See p. 1511.

honour = glory. See note on John 5:41.

Verse 56

rejoiced = leaped for joy. Greek. agalliao. Compare John 5:35.

to = in order that (Greek. hina) he might.

see. App-133. Therefore Abraham must have heard of it from Jehovah, for "faith cometh by hearing" (Romans 10:17).

My day = the day, Mine; i.e. the day of My promised coming.

he saw = he saw [it, by faith]. App-133.

was glad = rejoiced. Greek. chairo. Compare John 3:29.

Verse 58

was = came into existence: i.e. was born.

I am. See note on John 6:35.

Verse 59

took . . . up stones. And thus would murder the great Prophet Himself. Compare John 10:31, John 10:39 and Matthew 23:31, Matthew 23:37. stones, i.e. heavy stones. Compare John 8:7. The Temple was not yet finished, and stones would be lying about. Lightfoot, vol. xii, pp. 247-9, 324.

at = upon. Greek. epi. App-104.

went = went forth.

out of. Greek. ek. App-104.

through. Greek dia. App-104. John 8:1.

passed by. All the texts omit this clause, but not, the Syriac. See note 3, p. 1511, and on John 9:1.


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