Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Genesis 49

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

Jacob. See notes on Genesis 32:28; Genesis 43:8; Genesis 45:26, Genesis 45:28. which shall befall you. This blessing (Genesis 49:28) is therefore direct prophecy.

the last days. First occurance of fourteen: Genesis 49:1. Numbers 24:14. Deuteronomy 4:30; Deuteronomy 31:29. Isaiah 2:2. Jeremiah 23:20; Jeremiah 30:24; Jeremiah 48:47; Jeremiah 49:39. Ezekiel 38:16. Daniel 2:28; Daniel 10:14. Hosea 3:5. Micah 4:1. In ten of these rendered "latter days". A study of these will show that the prophecy (Genesis 49:1) and "blessing" (Genesis 49:28) extends to, and embraces the days of Messiah, and His first and second advents.

Verse 2

Israel. See notes on Genesis 32:28; Genesis 43:8; Genesis 45:26, Genesis 45:28.

Verse 3

Reuben. See Genesis 49:28, Compare Genesis 46:8-25, and App-45.

Verse 4

Unstable as water. Figure of speech Simile. Compare Numbers 16:1, Numbers 16:2; Numbers 32:1.

water . . . thou. Figure of speech Ellipsis here (App-6. b). The word "unstable" = to flow down, and requires the Ellipsis to be filled up thus: "Flowing down as water [passes away, so] thou shalt not excel". What thus would pass away is set forth in Genesis 49:3, and so it came to pass (1 Chronicles 5:1).

Verse 6

my soul = myself. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13.

secret = council.

unto. Samaritan Pentateuch, The Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, Septuagint, and Syriac insert "and" = "and into".

assembly. Hebrew. kahal = Greek. eeclesia. See Genesis 28:3.

digged down a wall. Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint read "hamstrung an ox". Compare Genesis 34:26.

Verse 7

divide. Fulfilled, Joshua 19:1. 1 Chronicles 4:39-43. Leviticus 25:32-34. Levi's turned to blessing later, Exodus 32:26-29. Deuteronomy 10:8, Deuteronomy 10:9.

Jacob. First occurance as used of the whole nation.

Israel. See note on Genesis 34:7. Compare Genesis 47:27.

Verse 8

Judah = Praise. Figure of speech Paronomasia (App-6). "Jehuda, Joducha ".

bow down. Compare 2 Samuel 5:1-8 and Psalms 72:11. Philippians 1:2, Philippians 1:10.

Verse 9

is. Figure of speech Metaphor. Rest of verse is Allegory. App-6.

lion. See note on Numbers 2:32.

Verse 10

sceptre. First occ Put by Metonymy (of Adjunct) for Him Who holds it. Septuagint and Targ read "ruler". See Numbers 24:17. Psalms 45:6. Zechariah 10:11.

lawgiver. First occurance. Compare Numbers 21:18. Deuteronomy 33:21. Psalms 60:7; Psalms 108:8. Isaiah 33:22.

from between his feet = from his posterity. Put by Fig, Euphemy (App-6). Septuagint and Targum of Onkelos read "from his thighs", i.e. "his seed". Compare Deuteronomy 28:57.

until Shiloh come = until He, Shiloh, comes. So Aq., Sym., Syriac. Note the six Pentateuch titles: "Seed" (Genesis 3:15), "Shiloh" (Genesis 49:10), "Sceptre" (Genesis 49:10), "Shepherd" and "Stone" (Genesis 49:24), "Star" (Numbers 24:17).

gathering. Hebrew. yikhah = obedience, submission (not kabaz, as in Jeremiah 31:10). Note the Structure of this verse (Alternation).
a | The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah,
a | Until He, Shiloh, come [Whose right it is, Ez. Genesis 21:27]
b | Nor a Lawgiver from his seed,
b | And [until] to Him, [the Lawgiver, shall be] the obedience of the peoples.

Verse 11

vine. So plentiful in Judah, that people were without care in such matters.

wine. Hebrew. yayin (App-27). There was more than enough to lavish.

Verse 14-15

Issachar. Original Orth = he bringeth reward; referring to birth, Genesis 30:18 (compare Psalms 24:5. Ecclesiastes 5:18. Esther 2:9, &c.) But here = a hireling. The prophecy is: "The hireling is the ass (or saddle-bearer) of strangers, Couching down among the folds; When he saw rest that it was good, And the land that it was pleasant:" &c. He preferred to pay tribute to the Canaanites rather than engage in the struggle to expel them.

Verse 16

Dan shall judge. Figure of speech Paronomasia. App-6. Dan Jadin, Compare Genesis 30:6. Fulfilled in Judges 15:20.

tribes. Hebrew sceptres (Genesis 49:10). Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct). Put for ruler.

Verse 17

a serpent. Beguiling to idolatry. The first tribe to do so. See note on Judges 18:30. Hence omitted in Revelation 7:4 (compare Deuteronomy 29:18-21. Leviticus 24:10-16; 1 Kings 12:30. 2 Kings 10:29).

heels. Compare Genesis 3:15. Jeremiah 8:16, Jeremiah 8:17.

Verse 18

salvation. Figure of speech Metonymy (of Effect). Put for Him Who brings deliverance from all the works of the old serpent (Isaiah 25:8, Isaiah 25:9. Matthew 24:13). See App-36.

LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.

Verse 19

Gad. Hebrew. Gad gedud. Figure of speech Paronomasia. App-6.

overcome him = "shall troop (or press) upon him, but he shall press upon their heel".

Verse 20

Out of The Hebrew letter "m", which should end Genesis 49:19, making it "upon their heels", has been wrongly prefixed to the next word, "Asher", Genesis 49:20, thus making "Asher" begin "Out of", unlike all the others. It should read: "He shall press upon their heels, Asher, his bread shall be, "&c. The Revised Version rightly keeps the Hebrew letter "m" at end of Genesis 49:19, but repeats it at beginning of Genesis 49:20, thus translating it twice!

bread. Put for all food. Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Species). App-6.

Verse 21

let loose. Emphasis on freedom. he giveth = he it is that giveth.

goodly words = song of Deborah. Judges 5:18.

Verse 22

Joseph. Compare Deuteronomy 33:13-17.

whose branches run over the wall = branches [it hath] each hath overclimbed a wall.

Verse 23

sorely grieved. Compare Amos 6:6.

Verse 24

God = One.

Verse 25

the. Should be "El = GOD (with Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, and Syriac)

Verse 26

separate = or set apart. Hebrew. nazir, the consecrated one.

Verse 27

ravin, &c. Compare the Benjamites, Judges 3:15. 1 Samuel 11:6-11; 1 Samuel 14:13-48. Acts 7:58; Acts 8:1, Acts 8:3; Acts 9:13, Acts 9:14, Acts 9:21; Acts 22:4-8. 1 Timothy 1:13.

Verse 28

The sons collectively. See App-45.

Verse 29

gathered unto my people. Figure of speech Euphemy. Put for "death and burial". See Genesis 49:33. See note on Genesis 49:33.

with my fathers. Compare Genesis 23:9, Genesis 23:10; Genesis 47:30.

Verse 30

bought. Compare Genesis 23:16.

Verse 31

Abraham. The five previously buried there form an acrostic of the sixth. Isaac, Sarah, Rebekah, Abraham, Leah = Israel (Hebrews 11:13).

Verse 33

yielded up the ghost. The spirit going to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7. Numbers 16:22; Numbers 27:16).

gathered unto his people. Refers to body, as the previous gathering (Genesis 49:33) refers to his feet. See on Genesis 49:29. He was aged 147.


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