Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Galatians 1

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

apostle. App-189.

not, Greek. ou. App-105.

of. Greek. ape. App-104.

men. Greek. anthropos. App-123.

neither = nor yet. Gk. oude. Compare verses: Galatians 1:11, Galatians 1:12.

by. Greek. dia. App-104. Galatians 1:1.

Jesus Christ. App-98,

God. App-98.

Father. App-98.

raised. Greek. egeiro. App-178.

from. Greek. ek. App-104.

the dead. App-139.

Verse 2

all. Probably including Timothy,

with. Greek. sun. App-104.

unto = to.

churches. App-186. The only Epistle addressed to a group of churches. Compare 1 Corinthians 16:1.

Galatia. See Introduction Notes. In all his other epistles Paul adds some commendatory words, "Beloved of God", Romans 1:7 "of God", 1 Corinthians 1:2; "saints", &c, Ephesians 1:1; Philippians 1:1, Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:2 "in God", 1 Thessalonians 1:1. The omission shows how great was their apostasy.

Verse 3

Grace. Greek. charis. App-184.

from. Greek. apo. App-104.

Lord, App-98. Compare Romans 1:7.

Verse 4

for. Greek. huper, but the texts read peri. App-104.

sins. Greek. hamartia. App-128.

that = so that.

deliver. Greek. exaireo. See Acts 7:10.

this = the.

evil. Greek. poneros. App-128.

world. Greek. aion. App-129. Compare Romans 12:2. 2 Corinthians 4:4. 1 John 5:19 (kosmos).

according to. Greek. kata, App-104.

will. Greek. thelema. App-102.

of God, &c. = of our God and Father.

Verse 5

for ever, &c. App-151.

Verse 6

removed. Read "removing". Greek. metatithemi. The Mid. and Pass. with apo, mean "to desert". Him. i.e. God. Compare Romans 8:30. 1 Thessalonians 2:12. 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

into. Greek. en. App-104.

Christ. App-98.

unto. Greek. eis. App-104.

another. Greek. heteros. App-124.

gospel. See App-140.

Verse 7

another. Greek. allos. App-124.

but. Greek. ei me.

some. Greek. tines, App-. Compare Galatians 2:12. 1 Corinthians 4:18. 2 Corinthians 3:1, 2 Corinthians 10:2.

trouble = are troubling. Compare Galatians 5:10. Acts 15:24.

and would = wishing to. Greek. thelo. App-102.

pervert. Greek. metastrepho. See Acts 2:20.

Verse 8

though = even if (Greek. ean. App-118. b).

heaven. See Matthew 6:9, Matthew 6:10,

preach, &c. = preach a gospel (Greek. evangelizo. App-121.)

beside (Greek. para. App-104.), or than, that.

have. Omit.

accursed. Greek. anathema. See Acts 23:14 and Compare Galatians 3:10, Galatians 3:13.

Verse 9

before. i.e. at his second visit (Acts 18:23).

so = and.

If. Greek. ei. App-118.2. a.

any man. = any one. App-123.

preach, &c. Same expression as Galatians 1:8.

Verse 10

do I, &c. = am I persuading. Greek., peitho. App-150.

do I seek = am I seeking.

pleased = were pleasing.

servant. Greek. doulos. App-190.

Verse 11

certify = make known or declare to, as 1 Corinthians 15:1. Greek. gnorizo.

or Greek. hupo. App-104.

after. Same as "according to", Galatians 1:4.

Verse 12

neither. Greek. oude.

of = from. Greek. para. App-104.

revelation. Greek. apokalupsis. App-106. Compare Acts 9:15; Acts 26:16-18,

Verse 13

conversation = manner of life. Greek. anastrophe. Occurs thirteen times, always translated conversation.

in time past. Literally at one time. Greek. pote.

in. Greek. en. App-1.

the Jews" religion, Greek. Ioudaismos. Only here and Galatians 1:14. Compare Galatians 2:14. As the worship of the Father (Jehovah) at the time of Christ had degenerated into "the Jews" religion", so now the worship of Christ has become the religion "of Christendom.

beyond measure according to (Greek. kata) excess (Greek. hyperbole). See Romans 7:13.

persecuted = was persecuting.

wasted = was wasting. Greek. portheo. See Acts 9:21.

Verse 14

profited. Greek. prokopto. See Romans 13:12.

above. Greek. huper. App-104.

equals = of my own age. Greek. sunelikiotes. Only here.

nation. Literally race.

being. Greek. huparcho. See Luke 9:48.

zealous. Greek. zelotes. See Acts 21:10.

of my fathers. Greek. patrikos. Only here.

Verse 15

separated. Greek. aphorizo. Compare Romans 1:1.

womb. Compare Isaiah 49:1, Isaiah 49:5. Jeremiah 1:5. Note the steps:

Verse 16

reveal. Greek. apokalupto. App-106,

Son. Greek. huios. App-108.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

among. Greek. en. App-104.

heathen = Gentiles. Greek. ethnos.

conferred. Greek. prosanatithemi. Only here and Galatians 2:6.

flesh and blood. See on Matthew 16:17.

Verse 17

to. Greek. eis. App-104.

to, Greek. pros. App-109.

before. Gr pro. App-104.

into. Greek. eis. App-104.

Arabia. See App-180and App-181.

Damascus. Whence he escaped as recorded in Acts 9:25. 2 Corinthians 11:33.

Verse 18

after. Greek. meta, App-104. This was three years from his conversion, viz. A D. 37. See App-180.

see. Greek. historeo. App-133.

Peter. The texts read Kephas, also in Galatians 2:11, Galatians 2:14. See John 1:42.

abode. Greek. epimeno. See Acts 10:48.

with. Greek. pros. App-104. This first visit was cut short by the murder plot of Acts 9:29, and the command in the trance of Acts 22:17-21.

Verse 19

other. Greek. heteros, as in Galatians 1:6.

saw. Greek. eidon. App-133.

none. Greek. ou.

save = except. Greek. ei me.

the Lord's brother. See App-182.

Verse 20

behold. Greek. idou. App-193.:

Verse 21

Afterwards = Then, as Galatians 1:18.

regions. Greek. klima . See Romans 15:23.

Syria and Cilicia. The only references to this journey and sojourn are found in Acts 9:30; Acts 11:25.

Verse 22

was unknown = continued unknown Compare 2 Corinthians 6:9.

Verse 23

had heard = were hearing: i.e. kept hearing. These are strong Imperfects.

the faith. Greek. pistis App-150.

destroyed. Same as "wasted", Galatians 1:13.

Verse 24

glorified, &c. = were glorifying (Greek. doxazo, See p. 1511) God in me, i.e. finding in Paul cause for glorifying God,


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