Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Exodus 15

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

Moses began and ended his wilderness career with a song. Compare Deut 32, which is "the" song referred to in Revelation 15:3.

The song proper occupies verses: Exodus 15:4-17. It is preceded and followed by praise with introduction and conclusion.

Then sang. There was no singing in Egypt, only sighing and groaning (Exodus 2:23, Exodus 2:24).

children = sons.

this song. Note the ten Songs of Praise: (1) Exodus 15:1-19. (2) Numbers 21:17, Numbers 21:18. (3) Deuteronomy 32:1-43. (4) Judges 5:1-3. (5) 1 Samuel 2:1-10. (6) 2 Samuel 22:1-5. (7) Luke 1:46-55. (8) Luke 1:68-79. (9) Luke 2:29-32. (10) Revelation 14:3. unto the LORD. Jehovah is the sole theme: and should be the theme of our praise. Note the "Thee" and "Thou", and contrast the "We" of Numbers 13:33, and the result, weeping, in Exodus 15:14. It begins with Redemption, and ends with glory. No "praise" short of this. the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.

Verse 2

THE LORD = Hebrew JAH, the Eternal, inhabiting eternity. See App-4. The first occurance of this Title: connects it with Redemption.

song. Some codices, with Samaritan Pentateuch and Targum of Onkelos, read "and my song". Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct). App-6. = "He of Whom I sing".

salvation. Compare Psalms 118:14, Psalms 118:2.

GOD. Hebrew. El. See App-4.

God. Hebrew. Elohim. App-4.

Verse 3

man. Hebrew. "ash. See App-14.

of war. This is what He is out of Christ; and to those who are not the subjects of His redeeming power.

Verse 6

right hand. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia. App-6.

Verse 8

blast. Hebrew. ruach. See App-9.

nostrils. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia. See App-6.

Verse 9

I will pursue. Note the Figure of speech Asyndeton (App-6), in Exodus 15:9 and Exodus 15:10. No "ands": to hasten on to the grand climax-" they sank as lead" (Exodus 15:10).

lust. Hebrew. nephesh = soul. See App-13.

Verse 10

wind. Hebrew. ruach. App-9.ead. First occurance.

Verse 11

Who is like unto Thee? This is ever the saints" noblest praise. Emphasised by the Figure of speech Erotesis. (App-6). Compare Deuteronomy 33:26, Deuteronomy 33:27; 1 Samuel 2:2. 1Sa 2:1 Ch. Exodus 17:20. Psalms 35:19; Psalms 71:19; Psalms 73:25; Psalms 86:8; Psalms 89:6, Psalms 89:8; Psalms 113:5.

gods = mighty ones, as in Exodus 15:15. Hebrew. elin. See note on Exodus 22:8.

Fearful in praises: i.e. to be revered in praising Him for His wondrous acts.

Verse 13

mercy = loving-kindness, or grace. N. B. Led forth in mercy, redeemed in grace, guided by strength.

redeemed. Hebrew. g"aal. See notes on Exodus 6:6 with Exodus 13:13. Exodus the book of Redemption. See Title.

Verse 14

people = peoples: no Art. (compare Genesis 49:16, first occurance.) shall hear. Compare Joshua 2:9-1.

Verse 15

dukes = chiefs.

Verse 16

Till Thy People, &c. Note Figure of speech Epizeuxis. App-6.

Verse 17

plant. The word used by God throughout of settling His People. Jeremiah 18:9. Amos 9:15. Romans 6:5. 1 Corinthians 3:6-10.

place = appointed place.

O LORD. One of the 134 places where Jehovah was altered, by the Sopherim, to Adonai. App-32.

Verse 20

Miriam. Hebrew form of Mary.

prophetess. First occurance.

a = the.

timbrels = drum. Hebrew. toph, rendered "tabret "(Genesis 31:27. 1 Samuel 10:5; 1 Samuel 18:6. 2 Samuel 6:5. Isaiah 5:12; Isaiah 24:8; Isaiah 30:32. Jeremiah 31:4. Ezekiel 28:13), "timbre]. "(Exodus 15:20. Judges 11:34. 2 Samuel 6:5. 2Sa 6:1 Ch. Exodus 13:8. Job 21:12. Psalms 81:2; Psalms 149:3; Psalms 150:4).

Note the journeyings, at the extremes; with the six ascents and descents of Moses, separated by the two principal subjects of the book: the giving of the Law and the making of the Tabernacle.

In Ch. 24 the fourth ascent is given as consisting of several stages.

Verse 22

Shur. Name given from the great wall built to protect Egypt from Asia, with its great Migdol, or fortress. See note on Exodus 14:2.

Verse 23

Marah = Bitter. The Divine principle in the training of God's People. Foreshown in Abraham's furnace and lamp; Marah before Elim; wilderness before Canaan; cross before crown; worse before better (John 2:10); suffering before glory (Luke 24:26, Luke 24:46; 2 Timothy 2:11, 2 Timothy 2:12; compare Romans 8:17, Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17, 2 Corinthians 4:18. James 1:12. Revelation 2:10. 1 Peter 1:11; 1 Peter 4:13; 1 Peter 5:1, 1 Peter 5:10, Hebrews 12:11. Psalms 126:6; Psalms 66:10-13. John 12:24. Matthew 5:4. John 16:20, John 16:22).

Verse 24

murmured. The first murmuring after leaving Egypt. Note seven others: Exodus 16:2; Exodus 17:2, Exodus 17:3; Numbers 11:31, Numbers 11:34; Numbers 14:2; Numbers 16:41; Numbers 21:5. Joshua 9:18, and compare 1 Corinthians 10:10.

Verse 25

tree. The Cross is the Divine provision for every trial: See Olney Hymns, i. 13. Jehovah showed it.

He: i.e. Jehovah.

Verse 26

And [He, Jehovah] said. See note on Exodus 4:3. diligently hearken. Figure of speech Polyptoton (App-6). Hebrew "if an hearkening thou hearken".

the LORD That healeth thee. Jehovah rophe"eka, one of the Jehovah titles. See App-4.

Verse 27

were. Supply Ellipsis, "they found", instead of "were". Compare Numbers 21:16-18. The scene at Rephidim (Exodus 17) after the thirty-nine years was be-cause they expected God to provide for them still.

twelve . . . threescore . . . ten. See App-10.


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