Bible Commentaries

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes

Amos 8

Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
Verse 1

the Lord GOD. Heb, Adonai Jehovah. See note on Amos 1:8

summer fruit. Hebrew kayitz = ripe, "summer" being put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6, for ripe fruits characterizing the summer. Compare 2 Samuel 16:2. Jeremiah 40:12.

Verse 2

Amos. See note on Amos 7:8.

summer fruit . . . The end. Note the Figure of speech Paronomasia (App-6), for emphasis. Compare Jeremiah 1:11, Jeremiah 1:12. Hebrew. kayitz hakketz, meaning that ripe was the fruit; ripe will be the time

the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4. IT.

The end. See note above.

pass by = forgive, as in Amos 7:8.

Verse 3

temple. The 1611 edition of the Authorized Version reads temples".

be = become,

saith the Lord GOD = [is] Adonai. Jehovah's oracle.

dead bodies = corpses. See notes on Amos 6:9, Amos 6:10.

cast them forth, i.e. and burn them.

with silence = with "Hush! "as in Amos 6:10.

Verse 4

swallow up = devour.

the needy = a needy one. Hebrew "ebyon. See note on " poverty", Proverbs 6:11.

make. to fail = destroy, or cause to cease.

the poor = meek ones. Hebrew "amah, See note on "poverty", Proverbs 6:11,

Verse 5

the new moon. Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 10:10, &c.) the sabbath. Ref to Pentateuch (Exodus 20:10). App-92. Stopping their business for a day.

set forth wheat. Hebrew = wheat market: "wheat" being put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6, for the place where it is kept = open granaries, or sell grain. hp

ephah. Measuring the goods. See App-51.

shekel. Weighing the money. See App-51.

Verse 6

buy the poor, &c. See note on Amos 2:6.

the poor = impoverished ones. Hebrew. dal (plural) See note on "poverty", Proverbs 6:11.

the needy = a needy one. Hebrew. ebyon, as in Amos 8:4.

sell = sell [as good wheat].

Verse 7

hath sworn, &c. See note on Amos 6:8.

the Excellency of Jacob: i.e. by Himself, as in Amos 6:8. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 15:7). App-92. Compare Amos 4:2; Amos 6:8. Hosea 5:5; Hosea 7:10.

Verse 8

flood. Hebrew. or. Referring to the overflowing of the Nile.

drowned = subside.

Verse 9

cause the sun. This determines the time of the fulfilment of this "threatening". See Isaiah 13:10; Isaiah 59:9, Isaiah 59:10. Jeremiah 15:5. Joel 2:2; Joel 3:15. Micah 3:6. Can this refer to the earthquake of Amos 1:1?

Verse 10

your feasts. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 12:14; Exodus 23:15, Exodus 23:16. Lev 23). App-92.

sackcloth. baldness. The outward symbols of mourning. Compare Amos 8:3. Isaiah 15:2. Ezekiel 7:18.

it: i.e. the land.

Verse 11

Behold. Figure of speech Asterismos, App-6.

of hearing, &c. Compare 1 Samuel 3:1, Psalms 74:9; Ezekiel 7:26,

words, With "eth = the very words. Some codices, with Aramaean, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate, read "word" (singular)

Verse 12

wander. Hebrew go tottering, or staggering.

Verse 13

virgins. Hebrew. bethulah (plural) See note on Genesis 24:43.

Verse 14

sin. = guilt., trespass. Hebrew asham. App-44. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6, for the idol itself.

Dan . . . Beer-sheba. The two places where the calves were set up (1 Kings 12:26-30).

manner = mode [of worship]; Acts 9:2. So used in Acts 16:17; Acts 18:25-26; Acts 19:9, Acts 19:23; Acts 24:14.

they: i.e. the two calves, or "they that swear".


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