Bible Commentaries
Bridgeway Bible Commentary
Psalms 3
Psalms 3 -4 Morning and evening psalms
The title that introduces Psalm 3 indicates that David wrote the psalm after his son Absalom rose up in rebellion against him and seized the throne of Israel (2 Sam 15:1-17:29). In much distress David fled Jerusalem, but he still trusted in God.
Absalom's rebellion appears to be so successful that many people think David has no chance of escape. He seems to have little hope of saving his life (3:1-2). But David's faith in God is unshakable. He lies down at night knowing that God hears his prayers and protects him; he wakes in the morning with renewed confidence (3-6). The dangers that face him only increase his trust in God; he expects nothing less than total victory (7-8).
Psalm 4 also possibly belongs to the time of David's flight from Absalom. In this psalm David begins by praying to God (4:1), and then turns to speak to his enemies and to his supporters. He accuses his enemies of disloyalty, self-seeking and too easily believing Absalom's lies in joining the rebellion. He assures them they will be defeated, for God is on the side of David (2-3). To his supporters David gives the calm advice that they must not have thoughts of hatred and revenge. Their thoughts must be centred on God and their actions must reflect their devotion to him (4-5).
Many people look to God for prosperity, in the belief that this will bring them contentment; but David, in spite of his distressing circumstances, finds greater contentment simply through trusting in God (6-7). With these thoughts he can lie down to sleep in peace and confidence (8).