"The entirety of the Christian life is summed up in this—Knowing the truth, sharing the truth, and above all, living the truth for the glory of God in Christ."
This is a topic every Christian needs to study before making any assumptions. What the Scriptures actually teach may shock you.
We never hear Jesus, Paul, John, Peter, James, or any other New Testament writer ever use the term "backslide."
The idea of age segregation and youth ministry is foreign to Scripture. It is not illustrated or legitimized by biblical principle.
How can we turn a deaf ear to clear, undeniable patterns of multiple participation which marked the early apostolic churches?
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Featured Articles
When considering the topic of sin, the passage most often used to defend its pervasiveness in the Church is that of Romans 7:14-25. This chapter in the book "Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross" will challenge you to re-think the traditional view that Paul is referring to a regenerate Christian in that passage.
If the "believe" of John 3:16 is as many understand it, then the question arises, "Why would it be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to "believe"?
The Bible makes an often overlooked distintion between self-righteousness and true righteousness. God does not view our righteous acts as filthy rags, but as costly apparel purchased with the blood of Christ.
While God loves with a greater love than humans can comprehend, His holiness and justice also must be taken into consideration. "He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father" (John 14:21). - (Also video by MaCarthur & Sproul)
This article examines all the scriptural references regarding tithing. The result of this study will be surprising if not "shocking" to many in the Church today.
We find the term “sinner” used exclusively in Scripture of those who walk in rebelliousness to God. It is never used in reference to a believer but of those who habitually practice sin, are impious, ungodly, without reverence for God, not merely irreligious, but acting in contravention of God's demands.
The often repeated claim that Jesus was a "friend of sinners" is actually contrary to what Jesus Himself tells us in John 15:14.
Contrary to popular opinion, medieval Christians had no common practice of dressing up for church because nice clothes were only afforded by the wealthy.
The very notion of a formal and professionalized "sermon" comes not from the New Testament, but from Greek culture.
Historically, pastors during the first-century period were normally not paid on a full-time basis. Although they may have periodically received gifts of food, clothing, and even some monetary assistance at times, there is no historical evidence to suggest that such pastors were given a full-time salary.
One of the most insidious errors, which is pervasive within evangelicalism, is the teaching of a gospel which allows for a belief in Christ as Savior while submission to His governing authority as Lord is optional.
True faith endures trials, hardships, tribulations, and persecutions for Christ's sake. In contrast to this we have the "stony ground hearer" who immediately receives the word with gladness, but when tribulation or persecution arises for the words sake, immediately they stumble (Mark 4:17).
Social Issues
Unless the public sees with their own eyes the results of abortion they will never fully grasp the gravity of the issue nor will they ever be moved to do much to prevent it.
If you think that the radical changes in the minds of Americans — and in your own mind — about homosexuality in the last decade are an accident, think again.
America's Founders were predominantly Christians and had a Biblical worldview. If that was so, some say, how could they allow slavery, for isn't slavery sin? As the Bible reveals to man what is sin, we need to examine what it has to say about slavery.
The repeated scriptural warnings against drunkenness show that God permits drinking wine. God does not prohibit overdoing that which is a sin to do. God does not warn you about too much stealing, too much blasphemy, too much adultery, but His Word does warn against being "given to much wine" (1 Tim. 3:8).
Misinterpreted Passages
We often hear from both atheists and Christians that the Bible says that we are never supposed to judge others. To put it as nicely as possible, that's baloney.
One of the most misused, mishandled, and misapplied passages in the Bible is the narrative of the woman caught in adultery, recorded in John 8:1-11.